
Or using the TIE fighters in their like 5 star destroyers (which doesn’t even include Snoke’s ship). In prior movies, the TIE fighters in star destroyers were numerous enough to take on the entirety of the rebel fleet. Here, they don’t have enough fighter ships to take out ONE unguarded Cruiser which doesn’t even have

I’m not sure what “football move” has to do with it. He’s falling down the entire time. If you’re going to the ground literally as soon as you catch the ball then you have to keep possession when you hit the ground. This play really isn’t even close. I’m shocked to see so many people up in arms about it. The only

I’m honestly shocked people are arguing about this. The guy is falling down the entire time, and when he hits the ground the ball comes loose. It’s not a close call. The only thing that is questionable (which is what I assume took so long on review) is determining whether or not his right hand stays under the ball

Romo said after the review that they made the right call. I didn’t watch the game, so I’m not sure what you’re referring to- maybe Nantz and Romo thought it was a review after the watched it happen live? But they both realized that he didn’t secure the ball to the ground after they saw the replays.

Sure, JJ could go back and change this (hell, he might do so just to say “f you Rian”, given how many things Rian just casually discarded or shit all over from TFA), but I don’t see any ambiguity about this one based on what was presented. The whole theme of the movie was “forget the past. Kill it, if you have to.”

For the life of me, I cannot answer that question. IIRC, they had 5 star destroyers, not to mention Snoke’s ship. In the past, we’ve seen a single star destroyer launch a swarm of TIE fighters, which were decimating the entire rebel fleet in ROTJ. Yet, this time they’re unwilling to launch ANY TIE fighters at the

“Luke succeeded at creating a distraction so that the resistance could escape. But wouldn’t have done if Kylo Ren had his shot together, and wouldn’t have had to if any of the existence had their shot together.”

That is correct. On first viewing, I missed the line where he said “we got caught, I cut a deal.” But that just raises more questions. They went to the casino to track down the ONE guy in the WHOLE GALAXY that was skilled enough to break into that room on Snoke’s ship. But then they get tossed into a jail cell, and

“Stop digging so deep, you’re just going to get dirty and not be happy at all.”

Much of the movie felt like Rian discarding what JJ set up in TFA. The parent thing was very consistent with that. The whole them of these movie was “kill the past. Move forwards.” Having Rey be invariably tied to someone that we already know from the OT or the prequels cuts against every signal this movie sent. Sure,

That’s not their actual desired destination. That’s their last best option. They’re literally going there because they have nowhere else to escape to- it’s a bailout. If they actually WANTED to go there they would have leapt out of light speed at the planet.

What are you responding to? I literally have no idea why you’re asking me that.

Your prior comment literally made no sense in the context of what you were replying to. Insulting me for “contrarian whining” when you don’t even understand what I was saying is absurd. Reread my first comment after you work on your reading comprehension skills. Try harder.

You’re just intentionally misreading people’s comments so you can insult them, aren’t you?

I feel like Burneko loses a hundred dollars for every period he uses.

But who cares how he got there? There’s no relevance to the story for how Luke got there 5 years back. Might as well show his bathroom to show us how the plumbing works, or the scissors he used to keep his beard from getting longer. And showing something SOLELY to subvert expectations isn’t good storytelling- it’s

What was the point of showing us the X-Wing in the water? That’s some serious foreshadowing for anyone familiar with a Star Wars movie that leads to absolutely nothing.

Sure. In a universe where people get called Generals despite never having even participated in the military (“what’s that? Oh hi, General Lando. Here’s General Solo. And General guy who stopped by to use the restroom”) they definitely haven’t established a less rigid and formalistic military structure than what you’re

That’s what I was thinking as well. Or (if star destroyers can’t do light speed jumps for such short distances for some reason) just call in reinforcements and have them appear right in front of the cruiser. This movie made it seem like the ENTIRE First Order was comprised of like 5 star destroyers, a dreadnought, and

I didn’t say it was a good choice. I hated the Canto Blight stuff- it felt wholly unnecessary, completely out of place, and had an almost prequelesque feel of “lets just create some ‘cool’ looking stuff and having it do wacky things!” I just think that creating a new environment was one of the considerations that went