
The only thing I’d add is that they’ll also settle to avoid a costly legal battle. Determine what the risk of losing is and the cost of litigating and settle based on that calculation.

It’s not considered a termination at all. He was negotiating for the position but it was never finalized. Until the MOU was signed by an official with the authority to bind the university then the deal was not enforceable. Just because he was CLOSE to becoming an employee doesn’t meant that he actually was one.

That was the first thing I thought of when I saw that on the list. Just because something is death defying doesn’t mean it’s “awesome”- sometimes it’s just dumb.

The existence of the contract itself negates a claim that he can rely solely on things like the AD telling him the deal was good to go. And the fact that the document has numerous blank signature lines demonstrates, fairly clearly to me, that he doesn’t have a leg to stand on- the MOU clearly contemplates that those

Can you imagine being on the UCLA basketball squad and being a big man on UCLA’s campus and then getting dragged to the middle of Lithuania to play a sport you’re never going to be good enough to make legit money playing?

Exactly. Have him take a bunch of sports marketing classes so that he can be his brothers’ agent when he graduates. He was never going to play in the pros, but this maniacal need to keep everything in the family with the Balls could’ve allowed him to make tons of cash just by riding his brothers’ NBA coattails on the

“Well, that’s great. I’ve been dating too. Nice girl. An author. She wrote the book on male sexual dysfunction. You’ve probably read it.”

Ahh, gotcha. I don’t pay enough attention to college football to have seen that reaction. Typically, I see the exact opposite, which is why I posted my comment above. I’ve noticed that frequently the public just piles on and attacks athletes for not being perfectly poised at all times, and in the past I was part of

You’re crazy! Cheese is the nectar of the gods!

I’m with you. I mean, the fans were atrocious, but it’s not like people look back ten years ago and say “hey, remember when Ron Artest bravely and justifiably went into the stands to attack Detroit fans? He was behaving reasonably.” If Jefferson had responded by going over and pointing out people behaving badly to

I almost posted a virtually identical response. My 4 year old niece absolutely adores Mickey and Minnie.

Fingers crossed that you’re right. When you make a movie that looks like it’s literally about how awesome nostalgia is you know you’ve reached peak nostalgia porn. I’m sick to death of everything I see being a reference to something I first saw as a kid 25-30 years ago.

Why exactly is that bullshit? When I was 22 I pulled a whole bunch of immature bullshit. Just because this guy throws a piece of leather well he isn’t allowed to be a dumbass like the rest of us?

I feel like Jurassic Park is a great example of how to make a great movie that is a lot dumber than it seems. People always shout about how dumb blockbusters should just be enjoyed (“just turn your brain off!”), as if dumb movies can’t also be good. Jurassic Park had great writing, excellent atmosphere and

Eh, apples to oranges comparisons are inevitable. Even adjusting for inflation, tickets cost more nowadays, which depresses the number of tickets each consumer is willing to buy. I think a movie ticket nowadays costs the equivalent of like $0.70 cents back in 1940, but tickets only cost about $0.30 at that time- if

I’ve got some big issues with this review- namely, it doesn’t come close to pointing out all the stupid things in this trailer, which is what it was explicitly about. The first Jurassic World was SHOCKINGLY stupid, and this one looks like it’s taking it up a notch.

While most of that is true, I’m not sure about the whole “he sleeps well” bit. He seems to have taken the change in the public’s perception of him awfully personal.

Wait...are there people out there who are medically eligible to eat cheese and DON’T love it?!?! Who are these people?!

I’d like to amend my earlier post by adding “I’ll ask her after she cleans the jizz out of her ears” to the list of things that morons say.

“it feels safe to assume that Gotham (or someone) spends a similar amount of cash on Batman’s antics there as well.”