
In certain circumstances that is absolutely true.

Tom Cruise does not have to worry about Chris Pratt taking the title of “Hollywood’s Coolest Looking Running Man” away from him.

I literally rolled my eyes when that happened in the trailer. Just give the T-Rex a giant INGEN polo shirt to wear- here’s clearly running security on the island for them at this point. hated all the big budget blockbusters Marvel has been putting out for a decade now, but still went and saw Ragnarok? You must be that guy from the Directv commercials that likes banging his head against stuff over and over again. Or did you not see Ragnarok, and you’re shitting all over movies you haven’t

I’m equally confused. Especially considering that like 2 weeks ago this website was essentially publishing conspiracy theories accusing the 76ers of intentionally doing everything they could to destroy his career and keep him from ever playing again, which this trade clearly demonstrates was a ludicrous accusation.

I’m genuinely curious as to what definition y’all are using when you say things like “worthless” or “has no value” etc. Saying something that you can literally sell one of for $16k has no value literally makes no sense. It’s like saying a Van Gogh is worthless because...why exactly? You can’t eat it? It’s not a

What if it has nothing to do with the feasibility of accomplishing this goal, and everything to do with people considering their own views on the morality of such an outcome? Arguing about whether or not his proposal COULD work is ludicrous, and ignores the fact that he wasn’t even implying that this is something we

You do realize he was only posing a hypothetical in order to get people to think about their own ethical and moral compasses, right? He’s not actually advocating a specific policy. He’s literally just asking “if people living under an autocratic dictator who causes them immense hardship, death, disease, famine, etc.,

Oh c’mon, this is absolutely absurd. He’s asking for an ethical discussion, nothing more. It’s purely hypothetical. I don’t think my philosophy or law school professors were being flippant about human life by bringing up any number of trolley problem hypotheticals. The fact of the matter is that many of the options to

I don’t even think that’s a debate. He needed like 500 votes in Florida to be President. He easily gets that many if he’s running for reelection with the same economy Clinton had.

He’s also saying that the end goal here is to get all three of them on the Lakers. He knows that one of them isn’t talented enough to make the pros, and the other two both play the same position, right?

It’s far more common and egregious. The NFL doesn’t have stoppages multiple times a game while guys flop around in faux agony trying to get a penalty flag, and neither does the NBA. Soccer is the only sport where guys repeatedly roll around on the ground like they got their legs blown off and then stand up and

The link that Laura posted in this article literally has an update that points out that the kid tore his ACL. I clicked on the link, watched the gif, and thought to myself “oh man, that looks like a classic torn ACL”, then scrolled down and saw my suspicions confirmed. Just bizarre that Laura would continue laughing

I mean, sure, doesn’t matter to a significant number of people. Nobody was claiming that this will convince the GOP to change it’s ways. But HRC had an extremely difficult time capitalizing on Trump’s misogyny and history of sexual assault precisely because of the claims of hypocrisy that people leveled at her due to

Franken will be replaced by a democratic appointee in Minnesota, and the party will then be able to argue the moral high ground for years based off of exactly this situation. It’s politically wise. Sure, it won’t end up fixing everything forever, but this isn’t some sign of a disastrous imbalance in political strategy

You should also check out this New Yorker article that mentions all of those points, but also discusses why his law school professor nicknamed him “fruit salad”, which is just a great nickname for such a loon.

“intended the coin featuring a prominent Native American woman as a final jab at the singer in a case her side called a win for all women.”

Why does it bother you so much? This seems like a minor request that takes 2-3 seconds to address. Why not simply shrug it off and chuckle about her inability to keep track of your address?

Eh, a lot of these don’t fall under the fantasy heading either. They’re pretty much just “fiction movies”. I suppose a few of them are more “out there” then your typical drama or comedy, but just because a movie has unusual elements doesn’t make it sci-fi or fantasy.

Lol, I hear ya. I thought Life was fine, but I remember walking out of the theater my brother turned to me and was like “Astronauts would never do that! It’s like these guys never saw Apollo 13!” And I just chuckled at the thought that the filmmakers were trying to make a movie that in any way resembled Apollo 13.