
Good to know. Thank you for sharing.

Agreed. I think a big problem with BR:2049 was the marketing failed to make it seem compelling to people. I mean, it’s a really difficult movie to sell, so I don’t blame the marketing company for not putting more butts in the seats, but it definitely didn’t do a great job of driving up interest.

I suppose I could have been clearer that when talking about Blade Runner 2049 that the runtime for Blade Runner 2049 specifically was a problem, and not that runtimes for all movies ever were problems. But I don’t really see why that should be necessary given the fact that this was an entire article solely about Blade

That I completely agree with. It’s a lot harder to compete for audiences time now that there is such a plethora of other options from their couch. I just don’t think too many people people are avoiding new releases because they’re willing to wait four months for a blockbuster to be released online so they can stream

I don’t get the number of people who are saying “these other movies are just as long though, and they do well at the box office!” Sure, but they’re also totally different movies. Star Wars, LOTR, etc. have a built in audience, and are action adventures. For THIS type of movie, with this TYPE of fanbase, the thing that

Agreed. Murkowski will TELL you why she supports some bills and doesn’t support others, and I’ve never heard her say “it’s because I want to screw people over.” Now, sure, politicians can be disingenuous, and I’m not arguing that we should always take them at their word. But she is providing a perfectly fine value

Lol, glad to hear it! You do you man :)

I’m with you actually, but only to a point. I don’t go to opening weekend showings (for the most part) anymore because of the crowds, and I ride the metro past a lot of other, lesser movie theaters in order to go to the one that I like (comfortable seats make a huge difference). I can certainly see the appeal of

Wow, what an obnoxious comment. (*Checks username*). OHHHH! It’s you! Carry on troll :)

Hey now! As someone who gets a large diet coke at every movie I see, there’s no way I’m lasting through a full movie without running to the bathroom. The better solution is to just download the RunPee app and still go see movies at the theater, regardless of whether or not you need to take a break or two in the middle

BR: 2049 underperformed for a variety of reasons. My comment was in response to the specific argument that people don’t go to the movies because they prefer to watch movies at home. I’ve edited my prior comment to try to make that clear.

Neither would I. I think BR: 2049 did poorly for reasons that have to do with runtime and marketing. My comment was responding to the argument that people don’t go to the movies because they have comfortable viewing environments at home.

The people who make this argument always remind me of an interview I saw with Outkast’s manager like 15 years ago. Everyone on the panel was bitching and moaning about how streaming services and napster style sharing was killing the music industry. The manager piped up and pointed out that they had just sold 11

As someone who loves both, I would recommend you check it out in the theaters before it’s too late. It’s a worthy follow up that honors the original while expanding upon the universe that Scott introduced, and I think it’s one of those rare movies that really MUST be seen in the theater to be fully appreciated. Just

I think it’s purely the runtime. I saw it twice in theaters, and thought it was an incredible experience. But the people who I raved about it to would sort of cock their head to one side and say “3 hours? I don’t know. Maybe I’ll wait for it to be on TNT.” Which is a real shame, because the visuals and audio for the

Is it pronounced Earth-10 or Earth-Ex?

Now that you’ve used it for a while, how likely is it to give someone razor burn? I have somewhat sensitive skin, so I’m pretty apprehensive about using an electric trimmer directly on my skin, but I’d love to do so if it doesn’t turn my face into a rashy mess.

Now that you’ve used it for a while, how likely is it to give someone razor burn? I have somewhat sensitive skin, so

I’m amazed at how much attention this story is getting on Deadspin. Yeah, Jones is a baby, but this is a contract negotiation involving tens of millions of dollars and 30 incredibly rich people. The fact that one of them is upset and is engaging in polite letter writing to try to impact the outcome of the negotiations

Agreed. I’m worried people will be blinded by Jerry’s recent shenanigans, but any rational analysis has to conclude that Snyder is and always will be the worst owner in sports.

He pretended like he went down because of a trip. Watch the way he falls- he’s not pretending like he was pushed down. He is pretending he was tripped, which is exactly the circumstance you describe- “going down without being touched”. The fact that he was lightly bumped on the chest doesn’t matter if he’s pretending