
Exactly. Billy and some of the commenters on here are harping on and on about the minimal contact at the chest, but he doesn’t pretend like that’s why he went to the ground. He pretended he was tripped, exaggerated that aspect of the play, and earned the penalty by diving to the ground because of an imaginary trip.

Sounds like a great read! I’ll try to check it out someday :)

Agreed. Each of the trailers that have been released have been greeted with extremely fawning praise, but as someone who hasn’t read the book all I can think is “oh, this looks like a generic YA disney movie.” It doesn’t look bad by any stretch, but the bloggers who rush to highlight the trailers make it sound like

It’s like you didn’t even bother to read my comment (let alone any of the other comments on this thread) before you decided to respond.

According to the link, you just need to regular PS4.

According to the link, you just need to regular PS4.

Lol, did you really create an account just to be a moronic troll for 20 minutes today?

Your first boss was clearly more qualified to be President than the current occupant of the White House.

I’d be totally okay with that type of Batman being in this movie except for two things: 1) they already established in BvS that he was a massive physical terror- hell, he was capable of crawling along a ceiling in that movie, let alone destroying 20 some armed thugs in no time at all. There was no hint of that

Sure, but then you need to find other ways to make him more interesting/useful/compelling in the story. Batman felt fairly useless and unnecessary for this movie. Not sure if you’ve seen it yet, so I won’t go into more detail, but I felt like he brought very little to the table and was a pretty replaceable figure in

Agreed! Since I got my card a about six weeks or so ago I’m fairly certain I’ve already used it to buy enough tickets that it would still save me money if I don’t use it again until this time next year. I don’t expect it to be around for that long, but fingers crossed they can keep it going :)

How are they taking a bath on ticket sales though? Moviepass pays the full cost of the ticket to the theater, which is why I’m confused about AMC’s complaints. I can still use my stubs card at AMC, so they can incentivize me to go to their theaters that way, and if I use my moviepass to buy a ticket then they get the

That is pretty much the only tradeoff for the deal. I have it, and I love it, although it is frustrating that you can’t reserve your seat until you’re at the theater (so get there early to buy your ticket for shows that will fill up, especially if you like a particular seat like I do). Having said that, my desire to


So they made Aquaman more interesting, which is great. I saw the movie last night, and I can say he was pretty alright in it. My gripe is that they made Batman decidedly less interesting. Remember the awesome fight sequence in BvS (probably the only good thing about that movie) where Batman was shown to be a total

This. I was always of the opinion that it was just fine, and I couldn’t understand people who were complaining. Like, it plays your podcasts, what more could you want? I didn’t understand how a podcast app could be “awesome”, so I was fine with it being just fine.

He also practically admitted to burying the bodies of his victims in his back yard on the Conan O’Brien show at some point in the 90s.

Now playing

Back in my day the rich just crippled Irishmen with their bumper cars.

God, that friggin’ fist pump at the end is the most obnoxious thing about this.

I did appreciate how indignant she was about someone criticizing her lovemaking in the middle of her article attacking an entire group of people for being bad at lovemaking :)