
“These are all bad things, why are you saying it like it’s an excuse.” 

The reason why it’s stupid is because a) your point had nothing whatsoever to do with my comment, it was literally just a racist strawman screed that you shouted out because you seem predisposed to attacking people, especially on the basis of race; and b) there is nothing in this article that indicates this guy

I personally hate that argument. It makes no sense to me. A movie is a movie- if people that don’t come into it already loving the characters (aka- non-fans) don’t find it compelling then it’s not a good movie. The argument you’re making is akin to saying that we don’t need non-family members judging politicians or

I’d say all the villains in the Nolanverse were solid, Loki has been a fantastic villain, Hela was massively entertaining, etc. etc. etc. The problem with Marvel’s villains is that they kill them off before developing them very well, but a lot of them have been great fun to watch for the one movie we see them in (Red

The original plan was to have this movie be part one of a two part sequence. IIRC, Darkseid would’ve showed up at the end of this movie, setting up the real conflict in part two. The abandoned that plan relatively far into the development process (I think after BvS’s somewhat disappointing box office haul they didn’t

IIRC, they were originally planning on having JL be the first part of a two part sequence, so they were using Steppenwolf as the advance attack from Darkseid, who would then have appeared in part two. In that sense, he makes sense to use a minor villain who really is just there to set up the big baddie, but I guess

Agreed- while reading this review I kept thinking “this sounds like it was written by a fan who loves these characters so much that he just can’t hate this movie, even though he recognizes its extreme flaws.” I haven’t seen it yet, so maybe I’m wrong about that. But he essentially said “the movie doesn’t have a good

This is one of the dumber responses imaginable. But at least you’re not even trying to be casually racist here, so good for you the courage of your disgusting convictions I guess.

The guy was a senior who only started 2 games this year. What makes you think he was only enrolled in college to play football on a scholarship? Plenty of very smart people do very stupid things- your assumption that he can’t read past a 7th grade level doesn’t sound “casually” racist at all.

Great listing, so thanks for that. Perhaps my issue stems from my limited experience- I don’t play a ton of video games, so I tend to wait and only dive into ones that seem incredibly compelling. So I’ve played Witcher 3 and Horizon, and I don’t really feel like the sidequests have been any sort of mindless grinding.

Based on her profile picture, I’m going to assume Stephanie hasn’t tried the whole “super low carb” thing recently :)

Having not played Zelda, I’m a little confused by the article and these comments. It seems like a big complaint about “map games” is the sheer number of meaningless side quests that don’t add anything meaningful to the game. But the praise being directed at Zelda and Mario is that the side quests are utterly

These guys clearly went to the Donna Brazille School of Spin.

Agreed. This is a bizarrely optimistic comment chain. Most of the reviews seem to hover between “it’s not as terrible as SS and BvS” and “it’s fine. It’s got problems, but it’s fine.” I don’t see a “thumbs up” consensus so much as an “eh, whatever, it’s a movie” consensus. Not ringing endorsements by any stretch.

Definitely wasn’t as bad (although, to be fair, not being as bad as the things you list is a pretty low bar), but it was clearly blatant fanboy pandering. Not to mention the odds that the stars of Rogue One would run into them something like 90 minutes before the whole city gets blown to smithereens and they just

I can’t tell if your comment was intentionally or accidentally ironic.

Such as the thugs from the Cantina randomly bumping into the main characters on a completely different planet when it made no sense for them to be there? C’mon, Star Wars has been doing this in every movie since the OT.

Exactly! It’s incredibly boring to me to just see the same stories with the same characters rehashed over and over again. For the past 2 years I’ve been saying to anyone who would listen that supposedly Star Wars takes place in a GALAXY far far away. You’re telling me in the entire galaxy, with billions of stars and

I’m not really sure how this very important story that just broke in earnest yesterday is about Jezebel, but this long write up about it certainly makes it seem like Jezebel views it that way.

I came here to post exactly this idea. I love the number of negative responses you’re getting from people pointing out that this idea would have some less than ideal compromises, as if the way TNF is currently set up is perfect. Having games on TNF is going to require compromising- doing it off the bye week at least