
No, I get that. And those are absurd. But the follow up to “I’m not putting five feet of space between the spoiler alert and my comment” doesn’t need to be “so therefore I’m just going to reveal something with no warning whatsoever.” It’s pretty easy to say “*SPOILER* This is just like Citizen Kane where rosebud

You’re impressed by that? Why? Weaseling out of things is important! It’s what separates us from the animals!

Good lord. That’s less of a trailer and more a fan made synopsis of the movie. I’d say that’s definitely the worst trailer I’ve ever seen.

“A really good movie-making experiment would have been if he had made WLB with the Cast Away cast.”

“Why would anyone ever assume that if a movie has been out for over 2 decades, it hasn’t been seen?”

I love that the lesson from this is that the autonomous cars aren’t ready, as opposed to the fact that humans are idiots that do things like back into parked cars. Two autonomous vehicles wouldn’t have hit each other. The sooner we can develop this technology and get it online the safer we’ll all be- human beings are

And an autonomous vehicle wouldn’t have backed into a parked car.

Sheesh, everytime I read an article about how professional gamers behave and treat one another it reminds me of hanging out with a bunch of morons freshman year of college. It’s just a bunch of “dudes” trying to be “awesome”, pick up “chicks”, and talk smack to one another.

Oh man, what a missed opportunity: “I sound like a broken record at this point, but you know what makes a broken record sound GREAT?! This Sony soundbar, knocked down to only $148 online!!!”

Oh man, what a missed opportunity: “I sound like a broken record at this point, but you know what makes a broken

Didn’t JJ Abrams already fix our national anthem?

Probably not. I guess that means we should ignore him saying it now...?

I knew this is pretty off topic, but your comment reminded me of something. I just went to a symposium on US-China relations last week where the speaker was a former senior diplomat to China, and he pointed out that Hollywood hasn’t released a movie that showed China as a villain (or, really, as all that bad in pretty

The one thing I never see mentioned when talking about how expensive these phones are is just how much we use them. Sure, you could argue that dropping a few hundred bucks extra for a nicer car rental or slightly more leg room on a three hour flight is a waste, but I pick up and use my phone dozens (if not hundreds)

“Hm, I already explained this... insuring against liability and purchasing motor vehicle insurance are not the same thing.”

““I don’t think car companies will be willing to insure cars that they don’t own and can’t control the maintenance of.”

This is the most simplistic, absurdist understanding of what the technology represents and what the actual policy implications are I think I’ve ever read, not to mention the sheer amount of logically fallacious characterizations of the people that disagree with you. And that’s not even going back over how ridiculously

I’m pretty sure most people recognize that you’re not making good policy arguments when you have to rely on the “what would this one person in this one completely unique circumstance do” argument. And you’re literally ignoring the actual issue. The fact that you’re saying that “it is widely accepted that he would be

Your statements seem to be getting increasingly wishy washy. Of course cases will be decided on individual merits. Your initial claim was that car manufacturers won’t be responsible if a driverless car causes an accident. In that instance- yes, car manufacturers can very well be found liable and have to pay damages

I am a lawyer (not that that means much, but just pointing that out since you pointed out that you were not). If the installed software defect is the cause of the crash then yes, the manufacturer can be liable. Take the deaths caused by the Prius accelerator getting stuck- Toyota paid out millions of dollars in those