
That’s exactly what that sentence meant. Saying “you’re left with” doesn’t mean that Rodgers being hurt changes the game into one that is bankrupt and gruesome- it literally means that before Rodgers got hurt you had a league that was filled with great players and was morally bankrupt and physically gruesome. Take out

Good lord kid...

I don’t know. Seems like doing “all those calculations” to determine precisely when (and where) a massive piece of machinery will come slamming in to the earth is a pretty worthwhile endeavor. Taking 2 months off of a 6 month window certainly helps, but I guess this guy really wasted his life and we’re all worse off

Just out of curiosity, how old are you?

I do that too. Quick question though- when you turn on the subtitles, do you read them? Because everything you said in your first paragraph was consistent with my comment, but you phrased it like a rebuttal.

WTF? The adult comment was about the person peering over someone’s shoulder for two hours because they’re so distracted by a silent movie that they can’t get anything done (you know, the person that is described in the post). The fact that you bring in your children to describe people that behave that way just proves

WTF? When did I say anything about using closed captions for your own benefit? Are you that obtuse, or are you just being a troll? Or are you saying that when deaf people read the captions they’re not actually looking at the captions instead of the movie?

I will do that to. If you WANT to use closed captions then use them. But don’t turn them on when you’re not going to use them so that other people can look over your shoulder for 2 hours on a plane.

Agreed- I do that too. But I’m not sure how you people manage to actively be distracted by something enough to pay attention to it (eg- reading the closed captions) yet still manage to focus on the visual stimulus going on onscreen. I’m not saying I stare intently at the closed captions, but it still draws your

Who the heck was talking about using closed captions when you need to use them? I think you missed the entire point of my comment, which is ironic given the fact that you threw out insults about learning disabilities. But sure, pretend like you are someone who is somehow immune to noticing things whose SOLE PURPOSE is

Uhhh, no. Watching a movie with closed captions is impossible to ignore, even if you’re the one listening through your headphones. You can’t help but read the captions, so you’re going to distract yourself from the action just so that both you and whatever voyeuristic neighbors can experience the movie in a less than

To me, in this context it’s not even the hypocrisy that bothers me- a guy looks hurt, so I have a hard time being ecstatic about the hit regardless. The hypocrisy certainly makes it worse, but I’ve never understood people’s ability to freak out and be excited while watching a guy that is clearly having a hard time

I’d like to hear an explanation as well, but if you’re line-in-the-sand is deadspin posting inconsistent/hypocritical content then I feel like you should have stopped visiting years ago.

Hundreds? Did you mean hundreds of thousands? Even that would be a pretty low estimate of just how much stupid driving is currently on youtube :)

The only thing lame about bringing gloves to stadiums are the idiots that judge people for it. I haven’t done it since I was 10, but if I see a 50 year old with a glove at a game I don’t think anything other than “glad that guy is having a good time.”

No doubt the Yanks and their fans did NOT get hosed. It was a home run even if the stands were completely empty. This isn’t controversial or close at all.

I feel like these are all good suggestions for having a good party, but not necessary for people who don’t drink. I’m 36 and quit drinking ten years ago (as John Mulaney once said- I used to drink, and then I drank too much and had to stop). Most parties I go to nowadays are just people hanging out at someone’s house

Agree to disagree. Jim WAS really 5 years ago when Deadspin started using him for everything. Now it’s just loud and predictable.