
I don’t think there is anything more predictable than a deadspin article attacking the NFL and Roger Goodell no matter what they do. This whole “they’re always evil, and everything they do is always bad” mentality is simplistic and tiresome.

Agreed. The idiots who shout “stop making football about politics!!” are conveniently ignoring that lots of other entities have been inserting politics into football for decades. Playing the national anthem is a political act. Promoting the military and actively schilling for army recruitment efforts are political

What am I missing? I downloaded the app and don’t see the Flex Watch option anywhere. All I can do is input specific days of travel and it tells me how much it costs to fly on those days. I tried doing a trip to Cuba and couldn’t find a single combination of days that Hopper could find flights for. I’m sure I’m an

Was this meant to be a response to the points I made? I understood what your implication was, and I pointed out why that was likely due to confirmation bias. When 55% of the players are white that means it will be shocking not to have examples of white players doing something. If your notion is that “something

This sounds an awful lot like confirmation bias mixed with a skewed sample. I think something like 55% of players in MLB are white, so it would be surprising if you didn’t see a greater percentage of white players doing pretty much anything in the sport. Implying that it’s something INHERENTLY white, or that it’s

This isn’t that complicated. Companies have every right not to wade into political disputes, and to attempt to minimize the damage when their brand is implicated in them. This is true EVEN WHEN I AGREE WITH THE POLITICAL MESSAGE BEING EXPRESSED. ESPN took a very mundane and reasonable step to say “listen, we don’t

Agreed. The White House press conferences have become such a farce, but the reporters there used their time to ask for an official position on THIS issue? Sanders statement was despicable, so I’m not dismissing the response to what she said. But we really should demand more from our journalists as well. There’s a

Exactly. How many previously anonymous people have been fired from their jobs after they say something stupid on social media and it goes viral? Those people were let go despite having no reason to know their comments would be seen by the broader public at large. Here, Hill was 100% aware that her post would be seen

“And resigning herself to a private twitter for family, etc. doesn’t seem like the answer. She’s allowed a public voice like anyone else.”

Ummm....did you mean to respond to me? My comment was about movie rentals, not wireless charging. I agree though- sounds really neat!

Some of us have shit going on in our lives that makes sitting down for 2 straight hours staring at a screen after work but before bed difficult.

Agreed! I’m sick of starting a movie one night, and then getting around to finishing it THE VERY NEXT NIGHT and having it disappear because I waited until a few hours later in the evening to restart it. Fucking bullshit man.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers how interesting and engaging Baelish was for the first 4 or 5 seasons. What they turned him into after they got beyond the books is a travesty.

The problem with that is that a ton of character development has taken place because of how long it takes people to get from one place to another. Just look at how interesting The Hound became because of how long it took him to march around creation with Arya. Skipping over those portions of the story leaves the show

So essentially Jon Snow is Neo. Buuuutttt...what if his attachment to the rest of the world has become so, that he decides he cannot sacrifice Dany, and instead risks all to end the cycle?!?! In that case, we can expect a third act in season 8 with giant mecha warriors fighting off invading

Touché. I mean, Tuccí.

Oh god, I’d forgotten that he was Merlin. Damnit Bay! You’ve managed to ruin Tucci!

I’m so disappointed with what the show did with LF over the past 2 seasons. For the first 5 seasons of the show he was one of the most interesting, nuanced characters out there. Over the past 2 seasons they’ve turned him into a mustache twirling goon. What an absolute waste.

Personally, I think both options are equally ludicrous. If they weren’t tricking Littlefinger the whole time then the show is missing a TON of explanatory scenes that detail why two characters who seemed on the verge of killing on another one week are suddenly working together seamlessly. If they were tricking LF the

The biggest problem I see with the Night King one is timing- the way it was explained to me, Bran wargs into that guy to convince the children of the forest not to kill him and create the white walkers. But why wait until they’re about to kill the guy to warg in? Warg in months beforehand. Or Warg into the Child of