
Good lord, calm down pal. It sure looked like blue fire, but hey, I’m sure you can come up with all sorts of logical gymnastics as to why that blue stuff melting all that ice wasn’t some sort of blueish fire.

I accept your apology ;)

It’s not hard to believe she wouldn’t kill him at all. That’s why I didn’t say she has to kill him. But she let him go. That’s whats so stupid. She can imprison him very easily. Heck, she can keep him locked in his room if she wants, so it’s not like she has to keep him in the dungeons with rats. But telling someone

“I mean, there were a handful of dumb parts, but it was more logical than most of the season.”

Yeah, but walking away and then returning to agree to worse terms than you were going to agree to before is literally the dumbest trick in the book. Originally she was going to pull back her forces (which, at the very least, would have made it less obvious that she was reneging on the deal)- when she comes back she

“The way I looked at it, Sansa had to very, very careful with Littlefinger in order to not alienate the Knights of the Vale.”

“I totally see your frustration with Jaime’s plot, but I think they’re setting up a plot for him that involves getting away from Cersei for a while.”

Thank you for saving me the time of typing out all those takes, because you had almost exactly the same reaction to the finale that I did. We should watch this show together :)

“The episode is so obviously an attempt to clear the board and set up the remaining game piece for the final round that the mystery behind all the bizarre choices the show (and characters) made falls away, because this season was so clearly about getting from point A to B.”

“She only saved him so she could pretend to be persuaded by him.”

Agreed, but that’s literally the point of having it. The only reason for Cersei to engage with Jamie in that fashion is to force him to leave, which makes no sense for her character. It makes sense for the plot, and for the audience, and so the writers set it up, but it doesn’t make any sense for the character. That’s

And they literally could’ve done that 4 episodes ago. Or Arya could have killed him without any fuss. There is literally nothing preventing them from doing what they did at any time this season, and it served literally zero purpose to have Arya and Sansa go back forth in private, closed door conversations with one

Sure, that’s what the show was going for, it’s just super dumb is all. Especially since she just let him walk away. If you’re not gonna kill him, at least don’t let him ride off and join the enemy. He’s the commander of your army- he’s got men loyal to him. Letting him ride off makes no sense for anything other than

I mean, sure, it’s just really odd that the zombie mountain is now questioning orders from his queen based on body language. Like “hmm, she said to kill him, but did she REALLY mean it. I mean, they have such a history together. They’re siblings, lovers, parents, etc. I should give it a second. If she really wants me

A) Why did Arya and Sansa do all that ridiculous back and forth all season if they’re just going to kill Littlefinger for crimes he committed months and years ago? They didn’t have to do ANY of that, but that’s the payoff for why they were being so dumb all season.

The fact that he isn’t makes me wonder what the hell the point of that whole conversation was. It made no sense for either Cersei or Jamie to engage with one another that way given how they’ve acted for all 7 seasons, and Cersei threatening to kill him but not makes zero sense. It also means that she had to have a

It’s also really convenient that the guy that hasn’t had any type of real conversation with anyone all season decides to have a pow-wow with Sam, the ONE GUY IN ALL OF WESTEROS that would be able to point out that Jon isn’t actually a bastard. How convenient for the plot!!!

My reaction to pretty much everything that happened this episode: “What?! Why?! DUUUUUUMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBB!!!!!!!”

Not only forfeit the earnings, but potentially open himself up to civil liability. In the same way that you can’t assault a football player during a game just because it’s violent, you can’t start kicking and grappling a boxer just because it’s a fight. Mayweather could allege lost earnings for future fights if

Holy cow- this is the longest way of saying “I don’t know anything about this occurrence” I’ve ever seen.