
I wonder about these comments that Trout gets no attention. As someone who doesn’t pay much attention to baseball, and who lives in DC (literally the other side of the country), I see headlines and articles about Trout’s brilliance all the time. The guy has won multiple MVPs, and there are constant articles on places

See, your’s is a comment I can get behind. I am having a lot more issues enjoying the show than you are, but I am definitely glad other folks are loving it. I never understand why so many people have such a hard time admitting that something they love makes no sense whatsoever, as if it is somehow bad to enjoy

How did this story break? I’m amazed that they couldn’t quietly reassign him to another game without it going viral.

Not to mention that running is a helluva harder than marching- I can walk 20+ miles in a day, but if I tried running/jogging that far I would absolutely break down after 10 or so. And that’s in nice weather. Running that distance in that climate with that gear on will literally cause your lungs to explode. Gendry

Or one of the red shirts, but they can’t be fast because we don’t know their names. Seems like bringing along a horse or two (or, better yet, a raven) would have been a good idea. But as the show has repeatedly proven to us, Jon is not exactly the world’s greatest planner.

Not to mention that Dany is actually riding on the back of Drogon. He’s not exactly a pressurized, climate controlled 747 with a bathroom and meal service. If Drogon is flying up there at 500 miles an hour Dany is dead long before they get to the North. Now, this isn’t to say that I want the show to have realistic

“But it’s still Jon Snow, Jorah, Tormund, Beric, and Sandor Clegane against the army of the White Walkers, and thus it’s awesome”

“we’ve been on this rock for three days now...”. Simple. And zero dollars to the budget.” 

“But they don’t have unlimited episodes. People complain that the timelines are screwed up this season. That simply has to do with math.”

Honestly, if Dany can get there in time to save them she should just be giving rides to people left and right. The plan should have been for her to take an afternoon, fly them past the wall, seek out the army of the dead, and then drop them off nearby. Given the way the episode played out, they could have accomplished

“I am hoping for a better explanation of everything next week.”

And have the Hound walk around the island with that massive hammer constantly smashing the ice to keep the water from refreezing. Honestly, there simply is no explanation for how long it takes Dany to get there that doesn’t result in the ice having frozen back over long before she can arrive. But yeah, spend some time

I can’t remember where I read it, but my favorite comment came from some recap that accurately described Clarke’s reaction as more “did I leave the stove on” than quiet despair.

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist :))

I mean, I suppose. But one of your claims is “why complain about the show when it’s already made and you’re never going to change it?” You’re not going to convince the internet not to nitpick, so why are you writing dozens of complaints about the complainers? I don’t really care about javelin throwing physics either,

I never really get why people are upset that other people want to discuss something. Sure, I don’t really care about the chains either (although I do wonder about the decision to not have the night king raise him out of the water with magic, cause I think that just would have looked cooler), but when I see people

Debating people like this on Kinja is pretty futile. You didn’t 100% support his position, so therefore he concludes that you’re 100% opposed to his position, despite your repeated insistence that is not the case. You’re being clear in what you’re actually saying, and you’ve repeated it multiple times now. I’ve tried

With regards to point 1, that was exactly my thought. What the hell is the hound doing hurling rocks? Hell, once the wights charge he pounds the ice to sink one of the one’s attacking him. Why the hell didn’t the team just walk around pounding ice until Dany showed up? Of course, consistency wasn’t a big focus point

It also makes no sense that Littlefinger has been turned into a pure villain for the Stark sisters to get rid of. He’s been amoral at best the whole series- if it wasn’t for him Jon would be dead and Sansa would be either dead or back in Ramsay’s clutches. He manipulates things to his own advantage, but he’s no worse