
I watched 2 minutes of it and it made me physically uncomfortable. How do people watch an entire episode?

If the people that criticized him did so SOLELY on the basis that ANYONE on a sports team that is invited to the White House 100% must go then sure, that would somewhat inconsistent. But I’d imagine the opposition was more nuanced to that in many cases. Not to mention that the people making such arguments should

Ay yi yi. These are eye rollingly simplistic arguments meant to serve only as a confirmation of your underlying notion that Bernie was the great uniter. Nobody is ignoring the basic realities of elections and voter data other than you. You’re simply using misdirection and irrelevant complaints to reach some

I didn’t see her saying “don’t do anything about Nazis.” She was saying don’t give them a target and an audience that they can use for propaganda purposes. She said take affirmative steps to undercut their message. You can disagree with her (I happen to), but it’s not “privileged” or absurd to say that the counter

“I think I should erase my original post. Apparently we live in a world where admitting your tired and would LIKE to be left alone is a very bad thing. Who knew?”

Excellent points. A tip of the fedora to you.

Holy shit dude. This is hilarious. I take it back. Keep digging.

You don’t actually think anyone is buying this nonsense, do you? You said the staffer at the CNN WAS the DNC chair. You didn’t say “would later become the DNC chair”. You said at the time that the tip was made it was the DNC chair that leaked the question. Good lord man. Stop digging.

She took over as interim chairperson of the DNC on July 25, 2016. She sent the email in question on March 5, 2016, three months prior to being interim chair of the DNC. What is the matter with you? These are googleable facts, and you attacked me for being dishonest or lazy and stupid for not taking the time to look

What does that mean? Bernie had momentum? Hillary won 8 of the last 10 primary states leading up to the convention. Bernie’s last significant win was Washington back in March, FOUR MONTHS before the convention. The results of the voting was incredibly predictable nearly from the get go- Bernie didn’t build momentum in

One of the closest primaries in decades? Based off of what? She beat him by 12 points and 3.5 million votes. He had no path to victory sometime around February, and anyone who knows anything about elections knew for months that Bernie was running an utterly hopeless campaign. The only reason he stayed in was because

Ay yi yi, you honestly think that polls about a candidate that most of the country had not heard of and who no opposing candidate had ever attacked outside of Vermont were an accurate predictor of future success? And which polls are you referring to? The realclearpolitics polls showed Clinton winning for the entirety

She won by 3 million. Right (technically 3.5, but who’s counting). There’s no way to argue that wasn’t a huge victory. She crushed him by 12 points and hundreds of pledged delegates (not counting the superdelegates that were never going to flip to a candidate who was losing by millions of real votes). The only reason

“That said, you have to acknowledge that the DNC leadership was putting extra support for Hillary and was working against the Sanders campaign.”

WTF does this have to do with my comment? Did I post something that said the remake craze isn’t driven in large part by audience demand and nostalgia? Cause all I thought I presented was a personal opinion decrying the influx of remakes and nostalgia driven filmmaking coming out of the major movie studios. But I do

Listen, I hate Donald Trump too. And Bernie seems great. But people need to get over this “Donald Trump was super easy to beat” nonsense. He absolutely crushed what was widely considered the deepest republican primary field in a generation. His appeal to certain voters was strong, and unfortunately genuine. It was

Tone it down there moneybags. We get it- you’re loaded. Stop rubbing it in.

True true. My thoughts weren’t perfectly connected there. I’m sick of remakes, of which Dumbo is one. I’m especially sick of the mining of popular properties from the 80s and 90s, of which Dumbo is not.

I love the arguments that Clinton was such an atrocious candidate that Bernie would have won. It’s like arguing that the Cleveland Cavaliers were terrible and therefore the Boston Celtics could have beaten the Warriors. They literally had a competition to figure these things out- Bernie lost. If he was so much better

Do you also think that Bill Clinton was the President during last year’s campaign period because his wikipedia says “Former President of the United States”?