
No, this is not evidence of the DNC actively rigging the primary. Bernie’s camp even downplayed this saying that if Brazille’s emails to their campaign were released it would show her engaged with assisting them as well. Not to mention that the insider tip she shared was “hey, at the debate scheduled to take place in

Good lord, a Dumbo remake? For gods sake, can someone in hollywood make an original movie? I liked growing up in the 80s and 90s too, but I’m ready to move past those decades.

No, I get that. And you can argue that it wasn’t relevant to the question. I would disagree- I don’t agree with Lynch’s point, but his statement is at least related to the subject. He disagrees with the method of protest because it undermines the values that he thinks football promotes, and he then went on to discuss

“The article to which you’re responding suggested that ABC likely would have WON if not in South Dakota then almost certainly on appeal.”

Dumber than writing “Laughing out out out out out out out out out out out out loud”?

But that’s not what he was talking about at that point. He was talking about football as a unifying force, and then provided an example of what he was talking about. And you didn’t say that his entire comment was a non sequitur to the issue of race relations in America- you said that the quote you provided was even

How is that a non sequitur? Basically, he said “football is unifying thing. It brings people from a diverse array of backgrounds together. Warren Sapp is very different from me and comes from a very different background. Absent football, I would never have met him, but because of football we have been friends for

Dude, I was once like you. I believed that my comments simply pointing out the poor logic of deadspinners’ comments would be read fairly and accurately. I used to argue with people that they were engaging in all sorts of ludicrously over the top logical flaws when they responded to my comments. And then I realized it

I 100% support the players for sitting. I wish more would do it. But saying that this hasn’t been a divisive issue is, to paraphrase the author, nonsensical at best and idiotic at worst. I’ve seen plenty of veterans say they’re personally offended by it- your claim that they’re offended because of football is utterly


This text message exchange reads to me like simple bluster. Like when you’re texting with a buddy about your boss being an a-hole and they say stuff like “man, we should show up and curse him out/kick his ass/take a dump on his desk!” Taken out of context it sounds like a threat, but in reality it’s just two people

I believe you meant TittiEconomics.

I’m amazed that this collection of self-evident and childish analysis is being praised by so many people on here. What the heck did y’all think a corporation was if you find this insightful?

Huh? Who says we should “trust” corporations in the way you’re implying? We can trust corporations to do what is in its own interest. Libertarians believe this benefits the public because the corporation can maximize profits by providing the public what it wants, and competition between companies drives down cost. But

Maybe it’s because I don’t drink, but putting in place rules to prevent people from getting so drunk they do things like piss themselves on planes (which is what one of the articles Adam linked to points out happened) doesn’t seem as draconian as Adam apparently believes. Did they call for prohibition level

Now playing

My happiness is immaterial; I don’t know Elon or the employee in question.

I’d be pretty shocked to find out that top 10 draft picks don’t remember who the other guys were the were drafted in the top 10 the same years as them. And I’d be absolutely flabbergasted to learn that the first QB pick in a draft year could not recall the next QB picked in that same draft. So yeah, I think it would

I don’t think he was planning on submitting his experiment to peer review.

How is nobody pointing out that this is essentially the plot of the “Homer the Smithers” Simpsons episode? All this women needed to do was severely cripple Musk so that he would need a 24 hour assistant again.

“Maybe he didn’t follow through, or the new position was for less pay, or dramatically different duties. Who knows?”