
So you’d be happier if he’d realized that he didn’t need her ten years earlier and fired her then??

Great article! As someone without kids, I think if both sides show a little consideration it goes a long way. If you have a birthday party coming up you can invite in such a way that it doesn’t seem mandatory: “Joey is turning 4 and we’re having a big get together on Saturday. If you’d like to, we’d love for you to

Boy, that sure escalated quickly.

One thing I did was remove my credit card information from all my online sites. Having to punch in the info every single time often makes me think harder about the purchase than I would if I could just click “buy”. It’s a small change, but it can make a big difference if you’re impulse buying stuff off of amazon every

I agree with the underlying points being made about not caring about PEDs as much as society does, but the actor analogy is pretty specious reasoning. Most frequently, actors get the role THEN bulk up for the part. Non-roided out actors aren’t at a disadvantage because they were able to audition for the part on the

Thanks! I didn’t want anyone to think I was being a dick on this particular post.

People still find the use of dong here funny? It was great and all a year ago, but geez...

Whoa whoa whoa...I think the lesson from Louis CK and South Park is that for many people the unconscious use of this derogatory term is not in any way meant to refer to gay people, but that doesn’t mean that we should therefore by just fine to use it. Personally, I think the claim the author makes that the use of this

I’m not sure why deadspin is so deadset at portraying this as a massive boondoggle. The LA proposal doesn’t just address some of the reasons other olympic games have been disasters- it addresses virtually all of them. LA already hosts two baseball teams, two basketball teams, now two football teams, an MLS team, and a

Is it just me, or is Deadspin posting a ton of minor league clips all of the sudden? Is this some sort of Tebow side effect? I don’t recall seeing ANY minor league clips last season, but it seems like we’re getting one or two a week nowadays.

I am continuously amazed at just how seriously deadspin takes workout fashion. Their clothes look exactly like every other brands workout clothes. Why the hate?

How is this a dog whistle? He explicitly accused him of steroid used based on his ethnicity. That’s more of a bullhorn than a dog whistle.

Whose responsibility is it to avoid this? Should the second baseman have pulled up long before the collision because it’s the right fielders play?

Why aren’t we talking more about how silly Steph’s impersonation is? The video he’s making fun of Lebron for is one where Lebron is clearly dicking around and joking. That impersonation is only funny if Lebron was taking himself super seriously there. You can’t make fun of a guy for being silly when the whole point of

I’m curious as to just how long you’ll keep this up.

You continue to amaze.

You think Gustaffson is impressive?

Well, at least they’re getting better.