
Wow...just wow.

And if I walk outside then I may suffer a horrible accident. What is that accident? No idea-yet. Will I definitely get badly injured and die? Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. But if I never leave my apartment then I don’t need to worry about it.

I love all the high tech thieves people are worried about breaking into their places, oceans 11 style. Or the hypothetical where Macy’s charges more for people that live in 2 bed/2 bath apartments. Like I’ve said, the fact that these ludicrous scenarios are what people are coming up with as to why we should be so

5 to 10 minutes? Again, how big are y’alls kitchens and dishwashers?

Agreed. It would’ve been great if the author had actually described what happened at the trial as opposed to just linking to a tweetstorm. Nothing like show me snippets of what someone else thought of what multiple other people were saying to give the readers a clear understanding of what’s happening.

How large is both your dishwasher and your kitchen? I like to pretend that putting the dishes away takes a long time too, but then I actually get around to doing it and realize it’s about 45 seconds to finish the task. I’ve literally gotten it done in the past while my SO was using the bathroom before going out.

Agreed. That’s a single lifehack. “Lifehacking 101: What to do when the dishes are clean? PUT THEM AWAY!”

“There are companies that make “CLEAN/DIRTY” signs to post on the outside of the dishwasher. Not only do these require spending money, they require you to remember to turn the sign around. The dish towel method requires only that you reach for a dish towel when you see a batch of freshly washed and rinsed dishes.”

Honestly, if I was falsely arrested I would love for it to be broadcast publicly, otherwise I’m not going to hear about it until I miss the court date that I never knew about. The public nature of the arrest announcement allowed the player an opportunity to learn of the arrest and clear his name. The problem here is

Whatever happened to gloves at the ballpark? When I was growing up I brought one to every game, and it felt like I saw them everywhere. I noticed a few years back that I pretty much NEVER see a glove in the stands at the games I go to. Such a shame.

Hahahahaha, oh the irony.

Sure, I have no problem with advocating for transparency. But that’s a different argument than saying that this particular occurrence is problematic on privacy grounds. My point is that once it’s clear that this is something Roomba will be doing I don’t understand why anyone would object.

The reason for the comparison was pointing out that I don’t care at all that my information is already available to the public- I wouldn’t care if I lived in a home either. How many home invasions occur on the level of an oceans 11 raid each year where the robbers use detailed schematics and layouts to break in, as

“The only meaningfully new frontier of ball-dominance and offensive centrality left for Kyrie to reach is the lunatic height Oklahoma City’s Russell Westbrook—Irving’s superior as a player in virtually every respect except isolation scoring—hit this past season, when he averaged a triple-double, led the NBA in both

I’ll be that guy and ask: who cares? I live in an apartment complex in a major US city, so the layout of my apartment is already pretty easy to find online (I literally just typed in my address + floor plans and the schematic layout of every unit in my building was the very first google result). But the fact that the

Exactly. The police took reasonable steps to confirm the identity, and corrected their mistake when it was brought to their attention. What do people on here want? Should the cops spend 10 man hours and thousands of dollars searching FBI and Interpol databases to verify that a shoplifter is who he says he is? He had

Much of this blog post was horribly written, but that sentence was one of the very worst (I’m not sure why everything was “very X” in the article as well. “Very most”, “very greatest”, etc.). You’re misreading it, but I had to reread it a few times myself to get what Burneko was trying to say there.

Weren’t the donations to McCabe’s wife’s campaign made months before McCabe had anything whatsoever to do with the Clinton investigation?

Y’all spend way too much time noticing and judging what other people are up to.

Why do I get the feeling this whole blog post was just a way for Hamilton to point out that he’s quoted on Super Squats?