
This seems like an odd article. The guy admits to all the things the article attacks him for, but it’s like the author isn’t reading the quotes he’s giving us. The guy sounds like an a-hole, so I’m not sympathetic to his plight, but it just seems weird to say things like “Maybe just start with that conversation

I don’t get the outrage about this. The rules have been in place forever, and the clarification put in place in 2014 is available to the players (I assume...wait, is THAT why Deadspin is so upset about this? Are the players kept in the dark about the rules until some official comes out to embarrass them?! Cause THAT

This seems to happen all the time in soccer. It’s such a flukey sport that a clearly outmatched team can often hang with a better team just by packing the defensive box and then making the most of one or two breakout chances.

“Still, the studio insisting that, out of more than a billion inhabitants of earth who are of Middle Eastern or South Asian descent, they can’t find anyone who serves up musical chops and dramatic acting abilities? Sound more than a little suss to us.”

So true! I can’t think of ANY athletes that look like they’re in great shape. You’re either a great athlete or a guy that looks like a mens health cover model who is on steroids and cutting agents. I mean, just look at this roided out non-athlete ;)-

Wow, that was a lot of text about something I hadn’t mentioned. Thanks, I guess...?

“I’m not hater” may be the most inaccurate part of that whole statement.

True- they should be stingy on what they buy, not what they tip though. If you’re willing to drop $500 on dinner/drinks/whatever, then maybe trying to cut corners by tipping 5% isn’t the most fiscally sound decision.

Lol, I was sarcastically making fun of your prior characterization of what Chipotle has to do. I always love the irony when someone says “you missed the point” and then proceeds to demonstrate that they missed the point of what the other person was saying.

“The people that habitually do this, the ones that see walking from place to place as a good time to catch up on Facebook and Twitter, do not know this.” people who aren’t paying attention to where they’re going are both a) more likely to walk slowly and cautiously, and b) be unaware of their surroundings, including oncoming traffic? Who knew?

Lol, I love how grand and extravagant y’all make out fulfilling this request to be. Ohhhhh, you have to put it in containers! And then put them oh so perfectly in the bag! Amazing! What an intense and unusual situation that must be for those employees!

Exactly my opinion. You’re going to stick a sharp needle through your baby’s ears just so that you as the mother can decorate her with shiny ornaments. It’s totally self serving, and I don’t really think parents should cause their children pain and fear for the sole purpose of satisfying their own narcissism.

Hahahahahahaha! I love being called a 5 year old idiot by someone that can’t understand even the basic point I was making. It had nothing to do with the market- literally nothing whatsoever. Your response is completely out of left field and does not relate to what anyone was saying. But sure, I’m the idiot in this

I’m sure this outcome will lead to deadspin’s staff writing more measured takes for years to come.

A) It’s not literal theft. They’re allowed to fill their cup up with milk. It is literally part of the agreement forming the exchange of goods, making it the exact opposite of theft. B) If the starbucks is really worried about the 1/3 of a penny of lost profits they can say no and insist on putting it in another cup,

“Are people really this illiterate of how the laws work?”

LOL, classic :)