
“But it could have ended up being a huge problem any of those instances. That’s the thing. You don’t know that it’s going to work out until it does.”

Do you have a source for the claim that the average salary is $4 million? I can’t find anything that says that, and the stuff that I can find says the average was closer to $2 million back in 2015. Given that Chauncey has no GM experience, I wouldn’t expect him to be offered a huge contract. In fact, I would expect

You’re attacking a strawman version of me for saying that service industry workers deserve to be treated badly and called names (which are things I literally never said, and it takes either willfully ignoring what I actually did say OR being too stupid to comprehend what was actually written) but in literally the next

Holy shit. Your clairvoyance is truly astounding.

I wonder if she’s getting a masters degree anywhere.

It’s entitlement to order for 10 people? But if those guys came in and ordered individually it would be okay? How is that any different for the person who has to make ten orders? What is this ridiculous logic that y’all apply to your lives?

HAHAHAHAHAHA, Kinja strawmanning at it’s finest. Cheers pal.

Thank you! This was exactly my mentality at these jobs. I’m literally being paid to do this sort of shit. It’s literally the chipotle employees’ job to put food in containers. Complaining that this guy asks you to do your job in this way is ridiculous given that the whole point of chipotle is to allow people to

Which is an absurd claim. If it becomes a minor trend then it gets taken into account. If it ACTUALLY slows things down (which, again, it won’t, because when Chipotle is busy everyone waits to PAY at the register, so things going two seconds slower at another station won’t impact people’s wait times) then the

“No one in my immediate family except for me ever did anything but food service and while there is plenty to complain about (rude customers, asshole bosses, low pay), doing the basic elements of your job a little differently is not one of them.”

I’m not ignoring that. But here’s the thing- “It wasn’t the end of the world and it always worked out in the end”. It’s literally part of a managers job, it’s a regular enough occurrence to be expected, and it’s something that works out fine without causing a major problem. Like I said, we’ll have to agree to

Agree to disagree. As someone who has worked retail many times as a younger man I can recall this situation happening with some frequency. I never for a second found it to be a frustrating experience or something that was cause for annoyance. It always just seemed like a regular part of the job, and a natural

I agree that it probably took ever so slightly longer to fill his order. I disagree that it takes the patience of a saint not to get angry or upset with people because your day is slowed down by 5-10 seconds. Especially if you go to Chipotle where you’re already expecting a line, and if they’re actually busy none of

That’s all true, and makes it understandable that it would create additional challenges. But that’s entirely different from being upset with the person who does it. Jobs frequently have challenges. Being angry or offended at people who inadvertently make your day a little more challenging is just absurd to me. If

Yeah, I’ve heard those arguments too. But it seems like it makes a lot more sense as a parent to respond to those worries by saying “which is why I’m going to wait until they’re old enough to a) want to have it done, and b) be responsible enough to take care of it themselves” than to say “which is why I’m going to

Holy cow, now this guy is causing people to lose promotions and raises and jobs?! Lol, people’s outrage and exaggeration is literally boundless.

“In the short term, he’s holding up the line for other people waiting to order because he had to be oh-so-”clever.”
I’ve been at a busy chipotle a time or two in my life. I’ve even seen people ask for various things on the side. In my experience, the average increase in the amount of time it takes to scoop something in

My brother and his wife pierced by niece’s ears when she was like 3 months. I always thought it was a super weird thing to do for a whole host of reasons . A) Who cares? Pierced ears are cosmetic, so why do you care how fashionable your 6 month old is? B) Why are you forcing your child to undergo a scary and painful

“It’s the job, but most customers are annoying and needy.”