
Lol, I love people who get really upset and start shouting at other people to calm down. Here’s what you actually said: “Take for example, the narrative that Jordan was the best closer of all time and he is who you want taking the final go-ahead/game winning shot in the playoffs.” You then challenged this narrative.

“Statistically, LeBron is better than him at this, but people who romanticize don’t care about factual evidence as much. I think Jordan was 5/11 LeBron 6/10.”

Identity theft is not a joke Jim!

Wait...are you Jim or Dwight? Pop quiz- which bear is best?

Yup. It’s not a tautology, it’s circular reasoning. He uses that word twice in the article, and each time it’s wrong. You would think a writer would at least know the meaning of the words he’s being paid to write.

I literally stopped halfway through that sentence and went back and looked to see if I had missed a period. It was such winding nonsense that I couldn’t believe anyone was being paid to write it.

Agreed. It reminds me of people saying that people who are depressed should just try smiling and be happy. Oh, is that all it takes?! People who wake up at 3:00 AM to relive the night’s potential social faux pas have already tried to not think about the stuff that is freaking them out. It’d be great if they could,

This is great advice. It’s like telling someone in their 20s that it’s a really good idea to save for retirement. Great advice. The problem is that people really struggle to do it. You wanna know how often I’ve told myself to just forget something that’s bothering me and move on? Literally ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of

How many of the people you polled are Mets fans (or at least NY natives)? No way is the Phanatic not number 1. I’m not from Philly (D.C. actually, so I hate most things Philly sports related), but c’mon, this isn’t even close. The Phanatic is Phantastic.

This is such a bizarre premise for an article to me. I’m at best a casual baseball fan, but even I am aware of just how great Pujols was. Are there people out there (besides the author) that know anything about baseball who for some reason don’t know how good Pujols’ career was?

Everything about this story is hilariously stupid.

Even with a dishwasher you still have to do the dishes. Loading the dishwasher counts as doing the dishes, and it’s better to wash a lot of things (like knives, pots and pans, etc.) by hand.

Where have you been? That’s old news. America has been winning bigly since January 20th of this year. You must have been watching all that BS fake news covfefe.

Living up to that first word in your user name. I wasn’t putting it on Harper, and I don’t think he’s to blame for the whole thing at all. Like I said, I hoped Strickland would get the stiffer suspension because he deserved to. But there’s no brawl without Harper charging the mound. Much like the NFL officials

This isn’t surprising? Really? I’m all for it- I was hoping Strickland would get a stiffer suspension. But Harper was the one that charged the mound and started the brawl, so I was 100% expecting that the closest I would get to what I was hoping for was both players to be suspended for the same amount of games.

This article is telling you NOT to throw out a product though, and it’s referencing expiration dates that come from the FDA. They’re not pushing people to go out and buy banana boat- quite the opposite actually. And, no offense, I’m not really sure how being a lifeguard makes you qualified to judge the chemistry of

Hey man, just wanted to point out that you’re being pretty clear. Guys who are claiming you’re defending Strickland, and are then attacking and insulting you for it, have some terrible reading comprehension skills. Just wanted to point that out because I’ve been in your shoes on this site- you say something nuanced

Agreed. If baseball took it seriously and started suspending guys for double digit games when they intentionally bean a guy you’d see that mindset get adopted real quick.

“If it was intentional (which I think it was), it was where it should be.” This is exactly the problem with baseball. He’s angry about two home runs from three years ago, but there is still a place on Harper’s body where the guy “should” peg a baseball? Intentionally hitting someone with a baseball for something

The answer to pretty much any “how should I cook X” question is almost always “sous vide”. That shit has changed my life :)