Geraldine Blank

This dichotomy you’ve created between chummy friendliness on the one hand and “hate” on the other as being the only choices is simply wrong, if not disingenuous.

Let’s not be hasty--let’s consider the possibility that while Walt was in New Hampshire, Spock was flying some red matter into a nearby star and BAM, now we’ve got divergent timelines.  See, it’s easy to make the continuity work.  

Ah, you’ve created this morality play in your head where you’ve made up that I’m outraged by this. I see why you’re so confused.

If only there were options other than being chummy friends with someone and telling them to fuck off while punching them in the face. Oh well, Ellen had no reasonable alternative, I suppose.

How about people who lied this country into a needless war that killed hundred of thousands of people and cost this nation trillions of dollars while destabilizing a region and eroding our civil liberties?  Nah, those folks deserve gentle civility, and anyone who says otherwise is just as bad.  

Perhaps I was being too oblique. I was criticizing you for engaging in the well-worn path of “enlightened centrism” where one pretends that all things are fungible under the sun, and anyone who treats unlike things differently is being unreasonable and just as wrong as the bad thing they’re critical of.

That’s only an insult to fucking idiots like you. Imagine thinking that being reasonable and civil as opposed to promoting divisive hatred is a negative attribute.


Nah, my own personal pet theory that I made up to overlay on someone else’s creation must be correct, and I’ll defend it to the ends of the earth.  

without revealing most of it was a fever dream

But to chastise her for being polite and civil to a former POTUS makes you as bad as those who aren’t polite or civil to Obama.

Man, you have your finger on the pulse of the modern left.  We are constantly looking to James Carville for guidance in these troubling times, so anything that lessened his stature would be pretty devastating.  

I just think it’s such a crazy coincidence that the people with “different views” who Ellen is friends with also happen to be incredibly rich and powerful people. What are the odds?

Well at least you’re nicer about it than Mr. Grumpy above you...

In the sense that it makes perfect sense and explains the last episodes, then yes!

Yes, Walt is dead, BUT he actually died waiting for the police to show up in New Hampshire sitting in that cold car.  Everything starting with him flipping the visor down and the keys falling in his lap was a Jacob’s Ladder scenario.  

I wonder if Ellen is friends with any working class or poor people with whom she disagrees?  Or does this equanimity extend, just by coincidence, I’m sure, to extremely rich and famous people with whom she disagrees?  

Serious question: is there any issue on which SAS takes anything other than the shittiest position possible? Is there some issue somewhere that a reasonable, decent person could listen to him shout about and think “huh, you know what, he’s right about that and I agree with him?”

The dong stays in the picture.  

It won’t be too long now. You can feel it. The weight of inevitability.