Geraldine Blank

Perhaps someone should point to Mr. Kelly that if the parents sold their young daughters to him (and that’s probably true to a certain extent) it necessarily means that he purchased these women from their families.

I think you have that backward--he’s better than everyone, therefore he’s an atheist.  

The mystery of why Gervais isn’t funny any more isn’t exactly difficult to crack: he makes good to great stuff when he works with Stephen Merchant, and forgettable to terrible stuff when he doesn’t. He’s only funny when he has someone there to shape his worst aspects and fit them into the tone of something larger.

That’s a really nifty moving of those goalposts. I agree, there should also be more coverage of corporate behemoths receiving public subsidy and/or legislative favors and then playing fast and loose with the promises they made to receive them.

That’s a really good point. Why should anyone care more about the regional strategies of the second largest private employer in the US with a market cap of over $800b than a small local firm in Duluth?

Not every author is entirely honest with themselves about everything that’s going on in their own works. Not because they’re being deliberately dishonest, but because humans have blind spots sometimes.

Nobody said he’s playing Holmes (other than the article, and the people involved, anyway). Maybe he’s being cast as the hard-bitten detective who keeps his heart locked away, but can’t help falling in love while he chases a serial killer? That guy was in the book, right?

Jesus (Lizard) that one was a bit of a reach.  

I cannot wait to see Stellar Skateboard in a suspensor harness.  

So it’s a Jacob’s Ladder scenario?

Crucified on an onion ring of gold.  

My pet theory is that Members Only was a Russian sent by Slava as revenge for what happened in Pine Barrens.   

I am convinced that most people just think it looks cool

Is this even controversial any more?  At this point is there anyone who can watch that final scene and not come away with the impression that Tony died?

I must be watching Chopped wrong, because all I’ve gotten out of the innumerable episodes I’ve watched is a really interesting view of how good dishes are put together and an appreciation for talented chefs.  

Jesus, I’m not sure what’s more annoying: the half-assed trolling or the “you mad bro?” dis ingenuousness to people calling you out on it.

Yeah, it’s weird when a story comes out about Rahm not handing out city money to rich assholes who don’t need it, isn’t it?  

All the character of the old neighborhood is gone.

I believe “old high school beef” may be a euphemism for what Mr. Peters was referring to with “where you from?”

so Congress could make it illegal for members of Congress to lie to the American public