Geraldine Blank

Is this even controversial any more?  At this point is there anyone who can watch that final scene and not come away with the impression that Tony died?

I must be watching Chopped wrong, because all I’ve gotten out of the innumerable episodes I’ve watched is a really interesting view of how good dishes are put together and an appreciation for talented chefs.  

Jesus, I’m not sure what’s more annoying: the half-assed trolling or the “you mad bro?” dis ingenuousness to people calling you out on it.

Yeah, it’s weird when a story comes out about Rahm not handing out city money to rich assholes who don’t need it, isn’t it?  

All the character of the old neighborhood is gone.

I believe “old high school beef” may be a euphemism for what Mr. Peters was referring to with “where you from?”

so Congress could make it illegal for members of Congress to lie to the American public

The most intimidating of these cities is London, which over the centuries has grown from a flatbed truck draped with a Union Jack or whatever (who knows, the origins of the “traction cities” are one of this film’s big questions) into a massive multi-tiered beast that literally consumes smaller cities for sustenance.

It seems like there was about a five minute period ten years ago or so when the UFC was on the verge of considering to maybe be an actual legitimate sport that you didn’t have to feel ashamed for watching.  That seems like a long, long time ago.  

Perhaps, but the editing and narrative skills of a good writer are what made this good.  

Why is Hobgoblins not being discussed. Why?

Yes, that must be it. All those people who strongly prefer KC barbecue are objectively wrong, and it isn’t just a matter of personal taste which of these very good thing one prefers.

You appear to be the level of bored that compels you to make bad takes and then be salty about them.

Of course not, just as you weren’t required to make such a silly comment like “texas is here, the adults are here, run along now lol,” but you did anyway.

The self-serious posturing that accompanies these hot takes is the best part.  Dude, you eat at a barbecue restaurant you like from time to time, you aren’t required to put down a bunch of food you’ve never even had to make yourself feel better.  

You realize things like this aren’t mutually exclusive, right? I mean, two things can be good. Great, even. think southern Illinois supports Chicago?  Are you serious?  

But if we didn’t have Schumer leading the charge in the Senate, who could possibly provide the progressive moral voice to counter the Trump administration?

Is self-interested one or two words?

Man, I guess we still have Nosferatu as a somewhat truer representation of Dracula