Kelly vs. Melania, huh? Sometimes you have to root for the knife.
Kelly vs. Melania, huh? Sometimes you have to root for the knife.
Well, ok, but you recognize why that’s still a hell of a takeaway to get from Point A to Point B, right?
Fair point. Don’t they realize that there is no room for this kind of regional navel-gazing and thinkpieces about Brooklyn by 26 year olds who moved there two years ago are what the public wants?
That’s a hell of a takeaway from someone referencing hotdish.
Unless watching the show gives him the ability to travel in time and rewrite the last two books to excise the sub-plots and streamline the remainder, I’m not sure how that’s going to be helpful.
If the issue was greed, he’d have rushed through the book and put out something he didn’t care about, or just have someone else do it and put his name on it. He’s not getting rich(er) by not publishing these books.
“The Winds of Winter is not so much a novel as a dozen novels, each with a different protagonist, each having a different cast of supporting players, antagonists, allies and lovers around them, and all of these weaving together against the march of time in an extremely complex fashion. So it’s very, very challenging.”
This is a pretty good ‘sclusie.
Imagine the high-fives exchanged all over Mecca the day she made the announcement. Praise be, we got her!
But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that’s what non-muslims are called). is part of the problem with it. If you want to argue that there are other problems as well, that’s your prerogative (finally someone is standing up for schlubby husband’s rights?) but you’re way off base to dismiss out of hand why folks might have a problem with that particular aspect.
Honestly, if your problem with this trope is physical beauty, fuck off. It’s not about that at all.
The could call it...CBS?
This is really well done.
Ah, it’s a bit.
Is this a bit?
That definitely explains the 10 year contract.
No, back when it was something he had been doing for years but was able to avoid responsibility for because everyone (including me) liked his work so much and was willing to dismiss out of hand any rumors that they didn’t want to believe.
Indeed, if someone said that, it would be pretty silly.
I don’t agree that he’s a bad judge of character, I just think he may not have the best track record on handling this one and might want to think about sitting out pontificating about it.