Geraldine Blank

Sometimes it’s best to root for both guys to get hurt.

She’s a damn delight, isn’t she?   

That’s not even luke warm, that’s just fact.  

That’s a really good point.  Wait, what’s your point again?  

This is a good example of how hard we have to strain for some kind of cosmic justice in 2018:

I totally agree with that, and it appears you agree that if they play him they don’t really have his best interests at heart.  

Given that the symptoms of CTE also include depression and loss of impulse control and wild mood swings, why the hell would anyone with Griffen’s interests truly at heart roll those dice?  

I’m sure taking repeated blows to the head is going to help whatever mental health issues are at play. How can it not?

Melvyn Bragg is the smartest person on earth, everyone else is playing for second place.  

Is that the one with the tinkling musical score?  

Oh, I’ll have to check that out!  

If you have a better way to raise awareness of trunk clubs and meal services, I’d like to hear it.  

I like the one hosted by the mid-tier improv performer that has guests ranging from standup comedians to other improv performers.

No, but they’ll start the ceremony with twenty minutes of Marc Maron droning on about some bullshit about his record collection or his girlfriend or something else 99.9% of listeners will fast forward.   

Mississippi and Alabama, on the other hand, are undoubtedly the most boring states in the country to traverse.

I’m nervous just about how I’ll be received by the public.

Unmake a conviction?

This is really good.    

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Yours just happens to be objectively wrong and bad.

All his subsequent tweets confirm this not to be the case.