No, if no ones sees it and it’s not televised, it never happened....
No, if no ones sees it and it’s not televised, it never happened....
It’s pretty impossible to re-invent the cooler at this point.
It’s pretty impossible to re-invent the cooler at this point.
Well that’s one way to keep Yeti prices high, sue all the other cooler makers and then raise the price more to pay for the court costs! Anyone who replys in this thread with Yeti should be banished from Gawker.
Well that’s one way to keep Yeti prices high, sue all the other cooler makers and then raise the price more to pay…
I scrolled alllll the way to the bottom to make sure, OP never even came back to try and mount a counter-argument, probably because there isn’t one. For fucks sake.......UGH.
Also, it’s a legit blast to drive.
I’m not going to lie, I can count the number of times I have seen someone younger than me in a 15-17 WRX/STI on one hand. I’m 32 and wear ties to work, normally see people that are older than me driving around my neck of the woods in my 17' WRX.
Here’s one of my favs. <3
People have sex with each other willingly, ok.
Women being harassed by a creepy/horny Fox New hosts: Not Okay.
Almond ‘silk’ is such a freaking marketing scam it’s crazy. It’s basically sugar water with added nutrients and almond extract for flavoring.
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes the Last Jedi Back in Clear Self-Defense, he was Obviously Standing His Ground.
This group thinks walking single file to hide their numbers is for chumps.
If anything, he was making them safer. That tip as they were was flat and sort of dull, at least if it was sharpened it would make a nice clean entry.
My grandfather used to sharpen the tips on the grinder. Those fuckers would go right through the plastic tube that made the ring if they hit right....
I can’t believe both my father and his siblings, nor any of my cousins were never killed.
Croquet is an amazing game. That is all.
That’s how I live my life, one tank of premium at a time. #nopoors.
I....I don’t think we’re on the same page. The system is clearly broken, yes.... And yes there’s a responsible way to broach the subject of storing weapons in responsible ways...
The OP just read the headline, scrolled down the comments section and started shit-posting.