geotekk aka "Caustic Soda"

Also! There is a much greater representation of First Nations in his cabinet, and he appointed a Sikh man to minister of defense! I am quite happy with Justin today, though sorta bummed he didn’t wear his aviators to the swearing-in. Which was a lovely ceremony complete with First Nations representation front and

Yeah, um:

I have sweated my ass off figuratively doing HIIT bootcamp-style classes, at the normie-gym on my own, done crossfit and yoga and none of it has made me any thinner. It’s made me stronger though, which makes me vaguely happier about my body but I’m still fat over top of all the muscle. Plus due to IBS I recently lost

I don’t mind Ken Burns docs but I’m a Trostskyite Canadian who loves anything historical from any country, really.

honestly, she had me at “I was sitting enjoying some Chinese food (delicious may I add) [...]”

One thing’s for sure: she loves her some shitty acrylic nails.

I use volumizing shampoo, mousse, and blow dry my hair (pulling away from the scalp and then sealing it with blast of cold air) every single weekday and never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined volume like this is possible. Maybe that’s where she was hiding the monies??

Sharp is from my home town and was the only good thing about that team when they had him (no bias here whatsoever)

This is what happens when you treat teenage boys like they’re gods starting from before they’re in the OHL on up: they think they are owed sex and damn near everything else.

Protestant is better! because reasons.

These two guys are fuckers (but aren’t most radio bros?) and bless Ariana for trying to educate them and not walking out of there mid-interview as I no doubt would have. Not her job to educate and there she is, trying. She is better than me.

I also think a little of Beautiful goddess Chrissy Tiegan’s anger is odd.

I wonder who his next victim wife will be

Aren’t we all “fucking SPs,” though? A question for the ages.

it looks like his brain rotted and liquefied and is escaping via his scalp somehow

See, I would have thought that the worst thing would be people thinking they can touch your gut whenever they want in public, but could be a little of column a, little of column b-type situation.

How much did this all cost, though? Including Huckabee’s Pizza Hut lunch, catering, coffee, man-hours, television costs, etc.? I want to know so that the American public can look squarely on those who called the hearing and ask for that amount of damn money back, dispersed evenly for everyone. Guaranteed it’s more

the promises of god for your life include being rich so you can afford a lavish wedding and honeymoon, congratulations god loves you and hates the poors

There Was A Little Spanish Flea
A Record Star I Thought He’d Be