geotekk aka "Caustic Soda"

I meant more, like... where the doctors live? Ancaster, Burlington...

I know, friend... there’ll never be another Jack Layton. Also Olivia Chow lost Spadina-Fort York and Bill Blair (DIRTY PIG COP) fucking WON Scarborough. Then again, all of Rich Ontario voted Conservative as evidenced by the big maps last night on the tv and I’m not surprised, I’ll just be stopping at the liquor store

I sincerely appreciate that these articles are written by someone who’s actually been there, rather than the standard, “Buy a whole side of beef once and you can feast on it all year” horseshit one tends to find as a “tip” for saving a bit of money that doesn’t take into account people having to pay to butcher and

lmao bless you (seriously), I stayed off of FB last night altogether because I hate mostly everyone on there

You used to be so cool, girl.

He’s pro-pipeline and they voted YES on C-51 so needless to say I didn’t vote for his party (ndp voter for over 14 years now [won’t get into how disappointing it was to see Mulcair steer the party towards the centre in order to try and gain some popularity right now]) but fuck it, at least we defeated The Very Bad Man.

Never have I been more glad to not be a part of the “20-somethings” bracket anymore; fuck this shit.

this is actually perfect

Those are actually amazing, beautiful works of art. Makes sensed they’d be banned.

his face says “old blowhard,” but his scalp says “three month-old baby”

Malcolm Winters <3 <3 !!!!!!!!!!

I didn’t choose it, but I didn’t fight him on it!

Oh, she sounds like absolute shit live. Cannot warble out a single verse in tune.

Movies by Alient Ant Farm was my song with a dude back then.

You won

Hard to convince people to copulate when they’re starving, I guess.

This was beautifully written, thank you.

I keep thinking this is the same place featured on Cathouse: The Series (HBO), but it’s been some time since I saw it.

It’s not like urban planning in North America has made even the biggest cities entirely car-centric. Drivers are oppressed, man.

The office is my figurative prison, even though I know well enough that I’m lucky to have an income/job at all— I spent a good amount of time unemployed in ‘13 and I’ll be damned if I don’t think about it wistfully every single day (without the stress of having literally no money coming in at all, of course)!