It was perfect and beautiful and will remain in my memories probably as long as I live.
It was perfect and beautiful and will remain in my memories probably as long as I live.
Now I just want to go home to do crafts, prep food for dinner, and putter around trying to improve my apartment! Too bad it’s only 8:50 am here.
Must be nice to get to travel with room for your hips and legs and, like... without a thousand other miserable breathing people crammed into a cigar tube with wings. I also just noticed there are Hermes pillows or throws on the set of seats further away from Coco and her rich baby.
Oh yeah! YouTube is where I learned Kitchener stitch! None of the books or other online resources helped me really figure it out and do it properly, I needed to watch and re-watch someone do it with the same POV I have while knitting.
Tons of folks joke about cocaine but, like... people actually do die of cocaine overdoses. Shannon Hoon is the first example I always think of, but Jay Reatard died of an overdose less than ten years ago, too. I hope Lamar can pull through and recover.
My dad would be so upset to lose his intarsia and other woodworking tutorials.
I think that Emma Roberts is not good and that as “Chanel” she’s just embellishing/playing-up her real-life persona. Could also be that it’s just poorly directed bad material too, though.
Fucking Linda Ronstadt is embarrassing but Metallica isn’t?!?? Rand’s no taste-maker (as evidenced by his polar fleece vest). I know I might take some shit for that, but any Metallica post-1995 was utter garbage and I don’t think I’m alone out here, howling into the wind. Christ almighty.
No apologies necessary.
they kept breaking and were dangerous for her kids to be near it.
there is outpatient cosmetic surgery to ‘fix’ them
I can only imagine! I moved “down south” (southern Ontario from way above the 49th parallel, my home) two years ago and whine like a baby whenever there’s no air conditioning and the temperature is above 22ºC (about 73ºF). Yeah, I’m a lot of fun.
Also, The Egg-themed Room. Like, egg whites and yolk.
My all-time favourite was the episode with the woman who “hated brown” and her living room was redecorated in an “all-brown everything” theme and upon the reveal she was so pissed that she nearly choked out her friend that participated in the redecorating.
Understandably so, no apologies required!
I’d at least straighten whatever the hell is hanging next to the sink before making a video I was going to post publicly, and I’m pretty grotesque.
As a Canadian who saw Steen Owens perform live tens of times with ROH and has followed and loved him for a decade, gotta say I’m on pins and needles regarding what WWE is going to do to him/his career. I worry that he’s against Ryback now who is notoriously uncareful with others in the ring; if he legitimately hurt…
I typically try not to let the “sports-entertainers’” real lives affect how I view their work, but as soon as I found out Luke Harper was a die-hard Washington R****ns fan I was, like... fuck you, dude.
I’m still crying about Bay and Sasha and it’s Friday.