geotekk aka "Caustic Soda"

[. . . ] the designers are confused having to make outfits for everyday people instead of models.

Is it because her cats are more interesting than she is? Just kidding, of course that’s why.

Holy fucking mulleted Jesus Christ

Her lil’ face makes my day so often when I am away from my own cat at the bad place (work)

I vape because it’s the only thing keeping me from smoking cigarettes again— I have quit successfully but my job makes me want to drink even when I’m not at it. A momentary escape from the building with peace and quiet with a cigarette was what previously soothed me, so I suppose it’s just the action of doing the same

Here in Canada our prime minister just has the scientists fired from their jobs rather than buying them off.

Does she also tell her patients to use coconut oil to swish around in their mouths instead of using toothbrush+toothpaste?! JFC, thank you for doing the work here even though peoples’ minds are rarely changed on such nonsense.

Sady was able to sum up my feelings on this pretty succinctly (b/c she’s a genius):

Surrey, huh? I’m surprised Diana didn’t get shot or stabbed over the cheesecake “disagreement,” as that’s how arguments are typically resolved in Surrey.

Gothic Pregnant Kim is my favorite Kim look so far, fwiw.

The waist is too goddamn low on the above dress for me. It’d hit right in that lower-abdomen spot you specifically cannot suck-in no matter how hard you try. Although at this point I am used to fashion not being made for my body type and stick to places where I know the clothes fit me.

She honestly must be super proud, and deservedly so.

*fingers crossed*

edited to say: I shouldn’t have responded to you because I thought your comment was a joke/in jest at first but then I read it over again and I’m pretty sure you’re serious.

Yes, yes!

I hated bringing those out to customers— the one time the inner metal hot plate (that actually goes on the stove and is then placed on a composite ‘outer plate’) slid right onto my thumb and I dropped that sizzler right on to the customers’ table and ran back to the kitchen, howling.


It’s like pulling motherfuckin’ teeth, honestly

De-legitimizing the plight(s) of actual real political prisoners everywhere, this one.

shoot him in a rocket on a one-way trip to the sun