Oh, I’ll pray for you, Troy— even though I don’t believe in any version of God. I’ll pray for you to have your head removed from your ass, but as prayers often go unanswered, I don’t expect mine will be answered, either.
Oh, I’ll pray for you, Troy— even though I don’t believe in any version of God. I’ll pray for you to have your head removed from your ass, but as prayers often go unanswered, I don’t expect mine will be answered, either.
I’m not entirely sure myself but it could have something to do with immigrants’ inability to speak French upon arriving in Quebec, whose sole official language is French (which they’ve Quebecers have fought tooth and nail to keep as their official language, historically). I dug this up, fwiw:
Understood! Also, Muslims are targeted in Montreal seemingly much more often than in any other major Canadian centre: http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-new…
Yesterday some teens beat a pregnant Muslim woman in the street in Montreal, and Herr Harper’s campaign only started picking up steam again last week over the “old stock Canadians” remark he made in a debate earlier last month: (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/…). It’s no paradise here.
Gotta second the love for 808s— it was great when it was released and it’s still great now.
Did you try to hold her hand during “I’d Do Anything”
your eng friend here reminding you that the utility pole may not be enough, might as well make it a concrete abutment to be really sure (I also think about this every single day)
Rush is just a sad, thirsty-ass old wheezebag who’s upset that a kid- a Muslim kid- is smarter than he is. He couldn’t put together a Mechano set with full instructions, I’d bet my bottom dollar on it.
“It’s me, Frozen Ice Milk”
They’re both sexy af but that’s about the only similarity
They all taste like fuckin’ squares of garbage, to be honest. Even Quest bars’ worst flavors taste better (though only moderately so).
Pronounce it as it would sound en-francais, lo-runhhh (with a slightly rolled ‘r’).. just for fun.
bless you for this turt baby
Jesus hates Transitions lenses, Kim.
AND a root beer float
Now I have “You Lift Me Up” by Josh Groban stuck in my head, along with images of hideous handmade jewelry.
It must be hard to fuck a moron.