geotekk aka "Caustic Soda"

For sure, I just cut out common food sensitivity-type things for a month or two and then tried reintroducing them one at a time to figure out which caused the upset— going to doctor after doctor for rounds of tests and then a referral to yet another doctor was getting infuriating. I know it’s nobody’s fault, but they

Three anti-abortion Democrats joined Republicans in voting for the measure [. . .]

sun + coconut oil

I also must eat anti-inflammatorialy (???) in order to have solid poops... ever. I miss cheese and half + half in my coffee the most. Well no, maybe salsa and ice cream most. My GI system will not handle any corn, dairy, nightshades, red meat, soy, or wheat (ETD: also peanuts! but no other legumes?). Although I did

Bow before your Flash-Chilled Frost Wizard Lord and drink of his goodness.

This is it, right? Like, you could see the title of the article, so just avoid it maybe if you think it’ll upset you so?

I bet not even the Zebra mussels would attach to his water-logged body.

I didn’t even know about that, holy dinah.

Thanks, dude. Love you too.

I think it’s because they’re both boring as all fuck, tbh. I could be wrong, though

I mean, the result of the sweater love-making was a baby and it looked like this. I was too quick on the draw; all I could think was “Bam MargeraSWEATERS?>??”

This looks like Bam Margera made love to sweaters and it became a sentient being.

I sincerely hope these two lose their business and all business contacts/credibility they’ve had. At the very goddamn least, that is.

I wish to murder these gents, slightly.

This guy? A douchebag? Are you sure?

Yes, it is most certainly a pyramid scheme. Moreover, you can tell by the amount of times anyone in Beachbody claims it’s “not a scam or scheme.” Your FB/Insta feeds doth protest a teensy bit too much, Cari*

I feel like it’s more likely these days that one of the ‘fans’ is gonna stab a performer before the company actually takes it seriously.

Did they also bust out their rainbow coloured containers and measure their portions of everything? Or is that just the 21 Day Fix? I am not even joking where I previously mentioned I left my last gym to escape a Beachbody coach. She’d get the scale out at the gym (it was a small scale MMA gym with a single bathroom,

Oh my god. The fuckin’ Beachbody Coaches, I had to quit my gym because of one of them and she’s still hawkin’ that “Shakeo” (aka $120 protein powder) like it’s her job whenever I get the sick curiosity to check her FB feed (because she’s blocked on mine... obviously).

But... don’t you want to be the best at exercising?!??