so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...
so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...
Mischa’s eyes do not look nearly coherent enough for her to be sitting on that ledge.
I hadn’t seen this comment from Fisher before:
fuck off
Before you labeled the one young man as Hadid’s son, I legit thought that was Matthew Perry’s child.
According to family history, my aunt was a notoriously shy child to the point where she was often scolded for rudeness. I imagine Caroline has a similar situation. I was a shy kid too, who eventually learned how to hide it entirely (so now a lot of people seem surprised when I say I’m introverted—friendly and…
I had to google “freeze peach” because I didn’t get it. Feeling pretty dim right now.
Everything about this makes me weep for the human race....but most of all, the fact that Kara is busy and can’t scream in his face at Jessica Biel’s restaurant is the worst part of it all.
Guy with a Masters in Special Education and 17 years working with children with severe autism here: 1. Fuck you DeNiro, you degenerate piece of garbage. 2. The causes of autism are widely accepted as a mess of disparate factors.....the age of the father, a heightened level of testosterone in the mother, genetics ( a…
I reread Harry Potter every summer :)
I used to be hairy like that too (though fortunately most of it was blonde), but now that I’m in my late forties it’s almost like returning to prepubescence. Barely any pubes or armpit hairs, legs only need shaving once in a while... this is probably due to my thyroid problems, but whatever, it’s nice. I consider it a…
I’ve been doing yoga for a little over 20 years and have only tried headstands against a wall a couple of times when I first started. I’m never going to do a real headstand either, and I’m fine with that.I have enough stress in my life without worrying about how good an exerciser I am.
I’m going to pretend one of these Samoyeds is named Yoko Ono.
That’s actually a misconception — people with epilepsy, neurologic conditions, or tumors can have seizures as part of their every day life. It really is that easy. Sometimes it’s triggered by something like flashing lights, sometimes you get what’s called an aura first (which in this case looks like it was the zoning…
Jane is an unparalleled liberal bad ass, whose continuous advocacy for human rights doesn’t come with fanfare or a press junket. She does this shit because she wants to.
I cannot tell a lie; I want “XOXO Gossip Putin” to become a regular feature and/or a meme PLEASE.
People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.