George Tarleton

That’s all well and good, though the bigger problem here is him spending on credit beyond his means, which people were happy to give him for obvious reasons. A trust fund doesn’t prevent a guy from running up a $200k debt at a casino, since the casino knows it could always sue the trust fund to get paid.


Guess he better sell a shitload of these:

He had a disproportionate amout of oops to alleys here

I’m pretty sure he tore it pooping.

I’m disgusted to hear Chicago was given the Stanley Cup after discovering this guy was runner up.

If I’ve learned anything from sports, it’s that you can’t just deck women at home and expect to get away with it.

Damn, that Republican primary is heating up

I’m thinking Arby’s

Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks

Typical, he’s just trying to switch the narrative.

NFL teams do hold a gigantic advantage over players when it comes to contracts

Ehhh. It’s skeevy if it’s unwanted/unwelcomed. The girl in the pictures seems to be ok with it all. It’s just sex (or the promise of sex) in exchange for money and gifts (or at least the promise of them).

This is a pretty stupid comment, you must realize this, no?

Commenter doesn’t know the difference between commenter and reporter. Comes to Deadspin to complain about Deadspin.

Putting us on notice that another moron will be talking about sports.

more like roger badell.

The Undefeated

Good thing there is no way Floyd will ever find out what his son said about him.