The Mary Tyler Moore Show
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
“Eat on Monday what everyone forgot they put in the fridge on Friday.”
Shameful. He Sucre punched him.
Help what? Your constant masturbating?
Keep fighting the good fight for all those persecuted Christians in America.
However, the relevant issue is that Tebow is only about 3 times the pro quarterback that Drew is.
That picture actually gives me hope. If Kelly can get Tebow to perform a gay wedding, he can do anything...
My Tebow is not a terrible quarterback. He may be a sanctimonious douche, a fame whore, an idiot, a terrible quarterback, but he is not a porn star.
the struggle is real
Reddit users can get Insider just fine. It’s just that nobody lets them get Insider for free.
Law shouldn’t expect a Reddit user to actually know how to get insider.
This helps explain how his five favorite foods are
Since when does everyone need to be progressive? If I own a store that does not sell to the LGBT audience or is pro anything they rejoice in, that should be my right to decide, no? Since when do we have to be politically correct? If my religious beliefs lead me to believe that abortion is murder, why can I choose to…
The 49ers could and would have cut him tomorrow if they found a comparable player who could save them a dollar. The players owe no loyalty to the teams.
I had no idea that Skip Bayless had a burner account.
I doubt Demott would have purposely tried to injure any of his wrestlers. If anything it sounds like he was helping them heel.
I'm hoping your a troll account, because otherwise you are pretty much saying "I am an abusive parent, and I don't mind smacking the shit out of my 4 year old."
According to the report, "it was determined that there was no offense."
/sniff sniff sniff
Always up to no good.