George Tarleton

"A man with a father would've given a better interview." - Colin Cowherd.

Umm, that would include you. Your experience, according to an earlier post, is in sonar and not the F-35. So you can just shut the fuck up Mr Armchair Quarterback.

"Things did not work out so well for the dude in the Colin Kaepernick jersey."

Wow! Congrats! What position did you play?

Cary Williams, the guy watching that flop, actually won a Super Bowl before Lockette did.

That's your interpretation of the evidence, not a factual statement.

'"Actually," Scarborough wrote in his Politico column, "it is offensive because the gesture suggests that a police officer pointed a gun and shot a black man whose arms were in the air while he said 'hands up, don't shoot.'"'

So, 1st Amendment applies to Joey from Islip to exercise his free speech to be an ignorant crypto-racist, but does not apply to the young black men that exist only to entertain him. Got it. Thanks for calling Joe!

No one complained about Tebow talking about God, they pointed out how ridiculous he appeared with his over-the-top-Jesus-is-my-left-tackle nonsense as well as the fact that he aligns himself with a vicious and mean-spirited strain of Christianity that is at the forefront of every ugly right-wing bigoted Christian

So you're saying this is actually about ethics in baseball journalism?

In the league Peter King runs, Goodell got the first ten draft picks and is always first for waivers. The league's loser has to give Roger a hand job. It's a two person league.

I find it offensive that athletes who are influential and in a position to affect change would have an opinion that differs from mine!

NFL players' liberal agenda

When one Cosby falls another shall rise to take their place.

You're not watching BattleBots, you're watching humans, with human emotions and opinions.

Yet politics have always infected sports. There was a time where "politics" was needed to allow black players to play in the NFL. Oh and there was "Politics" to get NFL teams to hire black coaches so when did politics not infect sports?

You do realize there's a long, rich history of overlap between sports and politics, particularly in the racial arena? I'm sure Jackie Robinson's "agenda" ruined a lot of people's Sunday afternoons too.

Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity are not suiting up for the gridiron.

Little known fact: ESOP worked with former MLB commissioner Vincent to create an ethics in sports act to be presented to President George HW Bush. If it was created, the bill would've included a moral, or lesson to be learned. It would have been known as the ESOP-Fay Bill.

I'm just curious how a few players coming out of the tunnel with their hands up for a few seconds "infected" your entire Sunday afternoon. If that's all it takes to derail your entire day, well, that's a whole other issue you might need to consider.