George Tarleton

"Tony, here's my gift to you on this special day: a shovel. You may use it some day, far away, when you are a man. Use it well. And remember: never, ever, ever, EVER stop shoveling once you begin, especially no matter how many people tell you that you should stop. ESPECIALLY."

"I would want to wish him the best and let him know I have no bitterness or animosity to him, even though I don't agree with his lifestyle. I love him and I wish him the best and I'd love to say that to him."

I pointed this out on the last story, but how is any of this "distracting"? Did Dungy pipe in HOTTAKE sports radio during practice when he was a coach? If so, that would be very distracting.

This is typical Tony Dungy. He takes something that seems fairly innocuous and just keeps making it worse and worse until, eventually, it's a complete mess. Then, Jon Gruden takes that complete mess and wins the Super Bowl with it.

I have become a fan of the DP Show, and generally think him to be one of the stronger sportstalk radio interviewers. But, the intellectual contortions he has to engage in to avoid calling Tony (his coworker at NBC and clearly a friend of his) out for what he is saying (which I believe DP strongly disagrees with), is

#USC QB Cody Kessler orders water to drink at a restaurant. Gotta think that's symbolic. He knows that water is a colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and that water is the basis of the fluids of all living organisms.

The point, you have missed it.

Yeah, if Christ stood for anything it was shunning those with perceived sexual immorality. And the way he talks about gays CONSTANTLY in the New Testament is proof that he would want his disciples to spend 95% of their time harping on the gays.

You didn't answer the question:

How is it a distracting question? Or are you of the belief that a grown man who happens to play in the NFL cannot answer anything but NFL-related questions from the media?

Because that's obviously self-serving bullshit. If he thinks the "media circus" is a problem, then why is he feeding it?

Just out of curiosity, how is answering the question "what is it like having a gay teammate" more distracting than answering the question "so, how do you think [rookie x] is going to fit into the receiving corps"?

"Want bigotry? Just water it!"

Have you ever seen Tim Tebow throw a football? 32 head coaches and QB coaches have, hence why he does not have a job. He also got his gig on ESPN solely because of his stated conservative Christian beliefs (which, as always, have little to do with actually understanding the words of Christ).

Exact same one. Also the same one where white players are called thugs, athletic, fluid, monsters, freaks etc and are just starting to catch on as QBs instead of being moved to WR or CB. And black players are hard working, scrappy, blue collar fighters, with high football IQ's. Oddly enough in this world players don't

Tony Dungy never said that he would not take Michael Sam due to his being gay because Tony Dungy is not a complete fucking idiot and knows exactly how much of a shit storm saying that verbatim would cause. He's talking about "distractions" because it's a convenient way to say that he doesn't want a gay man in the NFL

I know right did someone hold a gun to dungys head and force an opinion out of him? I doubt it. Why even touch the subject because a reporter asked? I'm sure after many years of dealing with the media dungy knows how to deflect questions. If he feels like homosexuality is wrong that's his business but he should know

Keith Olbermann is tied with Michael Moore for biggest asshole who happens to agree with me about almost everything.

Don't forget that Dungy supported Chip Kelly not cutting Riley Cooper and said Kelly didn't "care about popular opinion" but cared about "doing what is right."

Why can't we just call Dungy a bigot though? Is there evidence anywhere to suggest that he isn't a bigot? Because there's no wanting for evidence to suggest that he is.