George Kaplan

Why doesn't this fictional comic book story perfectly align with real-world physics?

This is amazing.

The first issue is great. Definitely pick it up if you're on the fence about the book.

"The image of two black prophetesses and two white ones galvanizing an overwhelmingly black church suggests a provocative dialogue about whether Linda and Kelly’s work constitutes cultural appropriation"

"Have any of these bitches actually read about the Bible's view of women?"

"We are number one! All others are number two - or lower."

Casanova Frankenstein: Captain Amazing — what a surprise.

"Well, at least he didn't do that 'walking against the wind' shit. I hate that."

I guess it's just me but this looks fun. And the trailer, while giving the hard sell on the "thriller" aspect, gives some pretty clear indications that it's supposed to be funny as well.

Those of us who grew up before the current golden age of cinematic superheroes had to find our fix wherever we could get it. I remember being INSANELY excited about this show, and willfully overlooking its flaws, simply because they had put a DC hero on my TV and it wasn't outright terrible. Kids today don't know how

Double baco cheeseburger.

These boys get that syrup in 'em, they get all antsy in their pantsy.

Ed Harris doing Shakespeare is like seeing a unicorn. Looking forward to this.

One of my favorite parts in this interview happens when Martin says "my Jewish friend - he has a name," and then names him, as if realizing while talking what you've just voiced.

This is logically indefensible.

Best. Finale. Ever.

John Carter is indeed awesome.

From the inaccurate complaining about the show's portrayal of women's boarding houses to the concern here over a focus on "white men," when those white men and their issues with Carter are central to the show's themes, these reviews have seemed less about Agent Carter the show and more about a larger desire for

He is Franz Kafka!

Yes, that's precisely what I meant/what they were doing, and not at all a really weird and cynical distortion. Well done.