George Kaplan

This just reads as "I was born, roughly, around 1965 and/or have a weirdly specific preference for Disney films released in the four-year period between 1971 and 1975."

I'll toss "Halloween" in there. It's a great, self-contained episode.

I agree with this. I really feel that The Body needs the weight and context of having watched, and invested in, the show up until that point.

Well said.

Late to respond to this, but I want to say that I engaged with you out of a genuine desire to listen and respond - not to dismiss you. We don't agree, but that's okay. In my opinion it's much better to disagree in good faith and with respect than to throw our arms up in a mutual display of "f*ck that other guy!" I

That's fair. I've been arguing with your argument. Based on the number of people I've talked to lately who have issues with "young progressives" and conflate boycotts with anti-speech (more than 10), my guess was arguably reasonable - all of them have been between 25-40 and all are fixated on what they see as "the

I find it telling that you say "a particular turn has been taken recently for whatever reason." If you have studied history you will know that this isn't true. I am going to guess that you're relatively young, and that at this moment you're motivated politically mostly by distaste for/toward elements of "radical

What's left is what's always left: the slow, incremental process of social change at the local level. You seem surprised/resigned by the notion that law and society are at odds, but that's not new or even necessarily "bad." Law both responds to and leads social change. This can be good or can be bad depending largely

Making bomb threats will always and should always be met by legal action. Consequences exist. But what are you really saying - that Marduk should be free to use quote-unquote "German aesthetics" without facing any criticism for that? That's not how speech works and not how speech has ever worked in this country.

Of course they're in conflict. Law and society are literally always in conflict.

You mean the same thing that's been going on since the inception of this country? The use of boycotts and shaming tactics in response to speech is not new, nor is it an unacceptable response to speech. It's speech responding to speech. Being free to speak does not mean being free of potential consequence - whether

Would that itTWEREsosimple

As is at least half of sci-fi/horror in general. "Man was not meant to - OH NO"

It's, tonally, a really faithful adaptation of the book?

I'm sure you know this, but if you don't: they've got a shirt up on peacetime goods now that's a portrait of the band drawn in the King of the Hill style.

The Refreshments were the greatest. Roger Clyne still busts out this instrumental on tour.

Through the magic of Broken Lizard!

He's still in it!

Moriah: The mountain/range where Abraham bound Isaac for sacrifice.
Moria: The mountains where, like, a balrog totally owned Gandalf.

The notion that new music isn't "real" because it's new ignores all the past music that was the equivalent of Log Cabin in the first place, and assumes that belonging to a specific time period is more important than talent or expression. Older music isn't better or realer by virtue of being older, it's just older -