George Kaplan

Maybe their parents just raised them right?

Another Body Murdered is the reason to own this soundtrack. Some of the other songs are interesting, but ABM is genuinely good stuff.

You should. It's a lot of fun. Very much an homage to the old Crosby and Hope "Road To…" movies.

We're a FESTIVAL of conviviality!

Netflix tastes like a burger. I don't like it anymore.

I'm 3/4's of the way through it, and I'm really enjoying it. Eggers summons dread and euphoria via nothing but consistently positive, apparently well-intentioned characters. I'd say I'm shocked that they haven't announced a film of the book yet, but Google has probably blocked that possibility (he said, tongue

I've always loved Maria McKee's cover of "Sweet Relief" off this album. There's something genuinely buoyant and joyous about it.

"Nobody’s being fooled here, any more than they’re being fooled by a Stan’s grandpa’s slot machine. They’re both for suckers, and until we’re ready to make them illegal—which I’m certainly not suggesting—suckers are going to drop money on them. "

What if, instead, I'm simply a fan of statements being backed by some factual support?

Prove that he's handed "it" over to murderous dictators. Go on. We'll wait.


Prove this or stop saying this.


"I'm not thrilled about the NSA revelations, but Greenwald and Snowden come off as total prima donnas. They remind me of the stereotypical college kid who moans about how everybody is a sellout, man."

Not even watching this show anymore (so slack, so sloppy), but for some reason I continue to read the recaps, which are very entertaining. My proposed nickname:

Don't forget "With Honors"! Homeless Joe Pesci will melt your heart.*

I love McGuiness. His style isn't specifically 90's (to me), but it's clean and cartoony in a way that's really appealing to me. I'd love to see him tackle DC's New Gods.

"This article is so white."

The Caine/Hackman Theorum!

"in order to achieve results that He presumably could have made happen Himself, instantly, at no cost to anyone."