George Kaplan

It's been a long time since I read the book, so it's quite possible that I'm wrong. But that's definitely the impression I've carried since I last read it. I've been meaning to give it another look. This conversation has sparked renewed interest in doing so. Thanks!

All fair and valid observations, but I think again we're on somewhat different pages about God's agency in King's book. As I read it, God can't/doesn't act independently of man in The Stand.

"if God was there, He could have won at any point in time. Which means He didn't need His people to make the journey at all."

And they cut me to ribbons and taught me to drive
I got your name tattooed inside of my arm
I called for my father but my father had died
While you told me fortunes, in American Slang

I didn't expect anything. I've never seen the show. I'm responding to the idea that it's not plagiarism if the dialogue is "merely a device to create tension between characters." That's got nothing to do with the question of plagiarism. Neither does the idea that Ligotti's work wasn't "totally original."

Who said anything about a lawsuit?


"I've never read Thomas Ligotti's work, but how do the accusers know that Ligotti's work was totally original? Nothing is really new any more."

Oop. Oop. Oooooop.

No Kirby's Fourth World/New Gods?

Deadly serious. So serious that I still remember the name "Aquarium Rescue Unit" over 20 years later.

It's a fun album marked by distinctive drumming and bass. It's no "classic album" by any means, but it's not the blight on culture that some make it out to be.

Son of man look to the sky! Lift your spirit set it free! Someday you'll walk tall with pride! Son of man a man in time you'll beeeeeeeeeeeee!

This makes me wish I subscribed to Showtime. As it is I'll look forward to catching it on DVD. Seems right up my alley.

Geo: SoL periods exist for claims in civil courts as well.

Holy divah! I'm a survivah! Feelin' like DeNiro in Taxi Drivah! With Jodi Foster! And Harvey Keitel! Looks like I'm walkin' through a livin' hell!

Cruzzercruz: When I say that "the story" doesn't mesh with what's established on the show itself I'm referring, solely and specifically, to Book's back story as laid out in "A Shepard's Tale." I quite like Serenity on the whole (except for the lack of/disposal of Book, obviously). Sorry for any confusion there.

Cruzzercruz: "Serenity is fairly beloved. It just took from us one of the best characters…"

Sure, I can see that. But the implication here is that the British were portrayed as, uniformly, cartoonishly villainous. That's not the case. Simcoe was almost cartoonish, perhaps, or perhaps reflective of real officers. The historical record certainly contains enough atrocities on both sides to justify his presence.

One of the things I enjoyed most about the pilot was that Major Hewlett wasn't a mustache-twirler. He sends an officer to be stripped of his rank for abusing his power in the tavern, and his scene at dinner with Abraham and Abe's father was good stuff, revealing a playfulness and an affectionate edge to his character…