George Kaplan

Agreed. I'm in for the season.

This album is delightful. They've all grown audibly as musicians but retain the same unmistakable chemistry and sound that make their earlier albums such a pleasure to revisit. The left turn they take for "Hayloft" is grin-inducing, and all the better for being buried midway through the album like an ambush. Had no

"Better to see the show as a great experiment rather than great art."

Thanks, Pilgrim. You seem really nice!

…What's the prank, exactly? Adding the word "dumb" to everything?

Is this thing insured against attacks led by Chuck De Nomolos?

Don't confuse "me and my uninventive, theft-prone buddies" for "everyone," please.

"Look, I know that Winchester guilt is part of the DNA of this show, but it’s been on the air for so long that doing the exact same beats the exact same way is starting to get kind of old and, frankly, a bit embarrassing."


Food for thought: Vol 1 is arguably the slowest/least enjoyable volume in the series. It's the equivalent of Season 1 of a TV show, with Hill and Rodriguez finding their feet and their voice. You may (emphasis on may) find that Volume 2 is more enjoyable.

Guys, read Locke & Key. You will not regret this decision.

Late to the party here. The one area where The Devil in Silver ultimately lets the reader down is in its "supernatural" aspect, and yet I was nonetheless grateful for having been lured in on a supernatural hook to find myself gladly reading what amounts to a big-hearted character drama with copious amounts of humor.

Late to the party here. The one area where The Devil in Silver ultimately lets the reader down is in its "supernatural" aspect, and yet I was nonetheless grateful for having been lured in on a supernatural hook to find myself gladly reading what amounts to a big-hearted character drama with copious amounts of humor.

Great article. Nice to see Monk getting some love on the AV Club. I second (or third? or fourth?) the love here for Brilliant Corners and the Monk/Coltrane live at Carnegie Hall album - both are excellent and worth listening to. That said, "Straight, No Chaser" remains my go-to album to recommend to people who are

"Thank you, Illinois! LANd of LINcoln."

Yeah, those lyrics are terrible.
Brangelonie: I see "you" a lot, and I see that "murder," heard of" and "verb from" don't technically rhyme.

I agree with this. Wrote up some of my own thoughts on the film here, and came to pretty much the same conclusion about it:…

This article makes me hate Alkaline Trio way more than "Two Princes," and I've never even heard an Alkaline Trio song. 

The comments in here are ugly. Undeservedly so.

Quiz Show is a terrific film, and it strikes me as truly odd that it would be picked to illustrate the point of this article. I disagree entirely with the choice to feature it as an example of a "film that succeeds in spite of its Director." 
The examples here are, as noted, weirdly nitpicky. And of the