Oh good grief, are you seriously suggesting that being a Gemini is in some way linked to being bipolar? Wow. You’re stating this shit as if you’re sharing ideas that have some sort of factual basis.
Oh good grief, are you seriously suggesting that being a Gemini is in some way linked to being bipolar? Wow. You’re stating this shit as if you’re sharing ideas that have some sort of factual basis.
lol nothing at all.
Um, thanks for clarifying?
What did Ronan Farrow do that was “not ok” in your estimation?
Neither you, nor your friend, understand a single fucking thing about statistics
“He’s brand new to navigating the murky politics of Hollywood and he’s still figuring it out. Give the kid a break.”
I’ve been reading Gawker/Jezebel for several years, which I have always seen as a kind of middlebrow National Enquirer for millennials. I’m also a writer professionally, and I believe very strongly in the power of the written word - that it can change the world. The proof is in the pudding: this publication has…
Kid still put his money where his mouth is. I think that’s worth something. More so than other actors and actresses who have worked with Allen and then did or said nothing; or worse voiced support of Woody.
What irresponsible, trashy journalism from both HuffPo (not surprising, Yashar Ali is an attention-seeking opportunist) and Jezebel. If you actually examine the contract, which this article lazily chose not to do, you would see exactly where Chalamet and his lawyers might think he is not allowed to criticize Allen and…
You know, I’m all for the witch hunt when it means actually going after the perverts/harassers/abusers. But the with hunt of everyone else for being ‘complicit’ is fucking ridiculous and is just going to end up backfiring. Plus, going after everyone means people stop caring and just tune out the noise.
And yet the Huffington Post article shows the very clause he was referring to at the bottom of their article. And lets be clear, he doesn’t review contracts, he is told what’s in them by his representation.
Goodness, those men and their comments! How dare they!
(1) Separatism is not going to make men recognize feminists as reasonable people who just want to be treated as people. The men who get it and are helping spread the word are our allies. They belong here as allies.
You do not. You think gender dictates the things people should be allowed to do and where.
Who are you even talking about? I only see one male commenter at the top of the comments section AND he’s great.
While I don’t doubt one second that talent agencies would blacklist people for speaking out against Weinstein or other Big League Hollywood Predators, how do we know she wasn’t blacklisted for simply being Courtney Love?
She was raised in it. Her whole family is in it. If she left she would have to leave her entire family. That’s a big ask. She doesn’t proselytize and usually avoids talking about it.
I live in a country with factory farms. It would be hypocritical of me and, yes, hella racist, to criticize the way that other countries treat their livestock when we ourselves are so fucking terrible on that point.
“Asian countries”- what the ever loving fuck?Research factory farming in the US & get back to us on how Western countries treat animals used for food.
This fish is extremely dead and your critique of “Asian countries” is borderline racist.