“Relatability” = whiteness
“Relatability” = whiteness
I would appreciate if people would stop conflating transgender issues, which are very real, with transracial issues, which are very fake. Trans people experience systemic oppression. People who want to be Black or Brown do not. Indeed, in the most high profile cases it is wypipo who put on Blackface and claim that…
/eyefuckingroll/ Look. China (and Korea) have both eaten dogs in their past because both countries have suffered horrific famines and war and when you’re hungry, you eat anything, and when something enters into the cultural cuisine, it tends to stay despite logic. (I feel that way about eating liver, or bittermelon,…
Strangely lots of people have pet pigs and pet lambs in America...yet we still consume bacon, hot dogs, lamb chops and rack of lamb......
Take your microcoloniast mindset and shove it. Some people are horrified by people eating any meat, others aren’t. You can disagree without being an asshole and if you think you are couching your racism, you aren’t.
Of course you equate excellence with being caucasian...
Well, would she have tweeted if it was just John Smith or any other non famous person? It must be shitty to be vaguely famous and want to do normal things like go to uni with regular people and have fellow students analysing everything you say for tweetability.
I’m sorry, but the speech was pretty hokey. If Emma Stone made that same speech we’d call her just another self-involved, pretentious actor.
Clipping coupons is tedious and time-consuming if you’re out to save any appreciable amount of money. I’d never dream of trying to force my spouse into doing it unless it was already one of his hobbies. If clipping coupons is so important to you, why don’t you do it yourself and give the coupons to her? (Assuming…
Completely untrue. There are some great attorneys that do public interest work, where they make nothing, but have the job because they do work that actually makes a difference in the world.
That’s not what she’s yelling about, genius.
Wow! I’m not a fan of her show, but ... dang Wu! Stuck her neck out there and not pulling it back. Do it!
Wow, you’re such a cool girl.
Wow, someone feels different from you.
I just don’t understand VR. When I get home from work and want to play a video game, I want to sit on my fat lazy butt with a controller in my hand and “veg out” in front of my monitor.
Just as absurd as a virgin birth, walking on water, multiplying fish and loaves of bread, transubstantiation, and rising from the dead in my opinion. Religions are absurd.
This is an especially idiotic hot taek.
defiantly =/= definitely