
Hail Mary, full of grace

Nice to see she dressed up for court.

Did this for another thread earlier.

After doing one of Kim and Cheney in another thread, I’m starting to feel like this might be my calling on Gawker.

No, not at all.

And you’re supposed to be an attorney?

I can feel your halo, halo, halo

I love the hand-lettered scale.

She wasn’t just failing to do her job, she was preventing people in her office to do their jobs too. As others had mentioned, she’s an elected public official. The only way she can be removed from office is if the KY legislature impeached her, and since the KY legislature isn’t a full time body, they won’t be back in

Nope, all but her son have told the judge they will issue the licenses.

She committed a crime, she has to do the time. What did you want them to do? Step back and say “Oh jeez, we can’t let justice be served here, because someone might make a fuss! We’ll let you get away with anything, as long as you & your followers sound crazy enough!”...? No fucking way. That sends the message that

she can’t be fired. it’s an elected position. if they wanted to remove her, it would have required a costly special session.

I didn't know they stacked shit that high.

She is in prison for contempt of court.

She’s an elected official so it’s not a quick and easy process to remove her from her position.

I couldn’t care less who gives her money. Either she performs her duties as a duly elected official or she resigns. That’s all that matters.

5 of the 6 clerks she oversaw are willing to issue the licenses now. The one who is not willing is her son, but it’s not clear which marriage he is from.

Looks like a stuntmans knee on top of her neck.