
I’m so disappointed that he’s turned out to be such a fucking clueless douche.I liked him so much.

Matt Damon, stop talking. Just stop.

Jesus, what a fucking scumbag.

All major religions are fucked up patriarchies! Just a reminder.

“I hope HE gets AIDS.....and DIES.”

“Strangely inexpensive” is only something a hedge fund douchebag would think. I hope his mother gets AIDS.....and DIES.

Is this guy wearing sunglasses indoors standing in front of a flat screen TV playing an actual Flo-Rida music video? So much douche bag going on in this article I can’t take it.

God, what a surprise that one of the biggest advocates of the charter school scam is such a terrible scumbag in other ways as well. Jesus, there are few things in politics these days that make me more enraged than the going along with running the public school system into the ground, claiming “see, they don’t work!”

I learned that apparently every night each Republican politician sits down, and hums until their body vibrates into an alternate reality where GW Bush made us safer, Hillary and Obama made us less safe and lost all of our allies, Obama is responsible for the debt instead of GW Bush, Planned Parenthood is raking in

I would like to end this experience with some wisdom or knowledge I gathered from it. Unfortunately, I got nothing.

Chris Christie’s campaign has a strategist? Is he also the guy who runs out for snacks?

Pewdiepie + TMZ + TV show?

This isn’t gonna end well. YouTubers never transition well onto television.

Ah I know its cliche to want a tree planted over your dead body, but now I want a tree planted over my body so that in couple hundred years maybe my skeleton can scare someone when the tree falls over.

The fact that Rihanna constantly picks the biggest jerks to date leads me to believe she may be something of a jerk herself. But, we aren’t allowed to say that on this site, are we?

Cap’n Crunch Frosted Junk is awesome.

In the context of this article about this incident, what difference does it make? It was a large armoured vehicle, the fine details are irrelevant.

When I read the words “fracking” and “tank” I immediately it was an article about how Texas deals with those who oppose fracking.

It must be difficult being the type of person who disappoints everyone merely by wearing a beige suit.

Rihanna needs an intervention, because she has BAD TASTE IN MEN. Goodness.