
because fabricated conspiracies and hyperbolic claims of power grabs involving democrats is apparently more authentic than actual conspiracies and actual power grabs from the trump administration (and by proxy the GOP in congress)

Journalistic standards are fine except when they stand in the way of the truth. Kellyanne went on AC’s show and shoveled truckloads of pure bullshit. It’s a disservice to his viewers to sit their politely and allow her to lie without remorse over and over again. Trump and his band of flying monkey’s have changed

“These are both awful outcomes; but I don’t really understand why the death of a falsely convicted man is more worrisome than the death of a woman killed by a murderer serving life who escapes from prison.”

Because escapes from prison are relatively rare and killing anyone who’s innocent of a crime is a terrible

Hah! Aer Lingus is headquartered in Dublin, though. I expect to just see a restructuring where BA fleet stock and routes are somehow allocated to its AIG partner airlines Aer Lingus and Iberia but everythign codeshares with BA.

I feel like this show is for the people who “don’t want to talk politics” right now because they don’t have to - they have the luxury of watching grief-porn because they have so much privilege they don’t really understand normal grief anymore. These are for people who read Jodi Picoult and are amazed at the artless

What? You have to have a trust fund to be an activist? There are plenty of people out here doing the work in pursuit of social justice who have far less than these white rural plumbers, electricians, and shop owners.

Bernie Bros who rejected all the work Hillary Clinton has done in the last 30 years are now criticizing her for not coming out to march yesterday. I know we’ve got the green light for punching Nazis, but can we punch Bernie Bros, too?

It was exuberant!

It would be hilarious if a small D.C. based business sued the President because they sustained losses due to inflated attendance projections. Even bringing in comparisons to previous inaugural upticks in sales/revenue, so as to drive home the point that the President Elect was fraudulent and bad for business.

You seriously can’t tell the difference?

It’s fucking ridiculous to include people who are FOR what we are marching AGAINST.

I personally don’t find it hard to dislike women who attack assault victims and are blasé about anti-Semitism. Not at all.

just a cursory glance at the skin colors of all involved parties ought to be enough to explain tbh

That’s been a huge theme this election cycle. “If you criticize people for being sexist and racist, they’re going to keep being sexist and racist, but now it will be all your fault!”

It’s not that she said sports aren’t worth watching. What she said is that sports are not the arts, and she’s right. Even those sports involving sequins and Russian judges are not Shakespeare.

We dems did quite the opposite. We over-estimated the intelligence and inate goodness of the conservatives. “ they’d never vote for such an incompetent idiot”.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh every campaign uses celebrities? Especially Obama’s campaign? Donald Trump is a celebrity? As in, there are a lot of “businessmen” who could never successfully run for president because they are not celebrities and no one gives a shit about them? Sorry to keep using question marks but what

I don’t live in the US, so I guess I don’t understand the cultural context..... but to me, anyone who voted for Trump thinks that racism and sexual assault are acceptable behavior. I therefore have a difficult time understanding how the good could outweigh the bad having people like that in your life. I mean, clearly

Compare the media histories of white people and black people in this country.