
Great, thanks for the reassurance. Again, I’ll think first and foremost of crying Bernie fans who were unenthusiastic about Clinton as I lose my health insurance. And my right to get an abortion. And my right to free birth control. And when people assault my Muslim, Black, and Latino friends. I’ll think, gosh darn

Yes, white folks did vote him in. That’s the fucking problem. They looked at their POC neighbors and said, “Nope, the possibility of lower taxes and the chance to tarnish the legacy of our first black president is worth more than them.” The white Republicans (and Independents in Name Only) were going to align

Well there’s a couple reasons. 1) Elections are presided over by the states, so each state actually runs their own elections. 2) The polls allow anyone in line at “closing time” to vote. So basically that closing time is actually the time at which the lines to vote close. 3) We do that because we want as many people

Breaking news: There are remarkably stupid people on both sides of the aisle.

One thing that is helping me sleep (when even the weed doesn’t work) is a doofus co-worker of mine who has been talking nonstop about Trump. He got his driver’s license and registered his car with a family member’s address North Carolina, so he could save money on car insurance in New York. Now the only way he can

The “doesn’t write her own songs” thing is bullshit, and we know this because of how it’s always applied to women, not men. Old jazz/blues singers, like one of my faves, Billie Holiday, were expected to sing standards and put their own spin on it. Billie is famous for being a unique SINGER, not a songwriter. Singers

What the fuck is going on in this thread? What is it with non-black people always telling black people how we should feel about racism? Why do they ALWAYS do this?

Art and artists can be powerful without “changing the course of history militarily or politically.” If an artist’s work affects millions of people, that artist is powerful. If an artist’s fashion choices can affect others, or that artist can say “Let me tell you about this thing and why it’s important to me” and

The fucking naivete of this statement is just... astounding.

“I don’t understand the Schumer hatred here, I just don’t. She’s hilarious and she shares our values but she sucks because she said a couple of politically incorrect things

Sorry your tenure bid failed because you groped a TA or six. Good luck contributing to the public exchange of ideas as a private citizen.

Yes I did. And I will argue that the email reflects a rather insular narrative of childhood and the work of a scholar who is under read in the field of childhood studies or not interested in the most compelling research that would trouble the theoretical underpinnings of her reasoning. I am particularly aggrieved by

If you’re trying to say that there’s no difference culturally between a childhood/adolescence/young-adulthood where the world views you as a boy, and same where the world views you as a girl, I really can’t get with that. It isn’t true. I see it play out in front of my eyes daily. As someone for whom gender is and

Great, I hope you feel the same way when she loses by 15 points and we get stuck with a Republican, a Republican who isn’t just owned by Wall Street like the Clintons are, but will then use his Presidency to start a few more wars, repeal healthcare, treat gay people like second class citizens, cut funding for

People have honestly got to stop getting upset over this. Conservatives have made bilking money from their own embittered base into an art form that can never be surpassed by normal means. Be sad that it's so easy to grift a certain segment of the population, but don't sweat that this particular group got all that

My husband and I separated. I commiserated with my cousin Michelle for most of the summer. We spent many nights that summer drinking, crying and sharing the horrors of our relationships. My husband and I eventually got back together and I moved back into the house. While putting some things into the attic I came

Ha. I was going to a rushed lunch with a friend. We went and got deli sandwiches, but it took forever for his order, so lunch was pretty much over. We were both pissed. He asked for his sandwich to go so he could gulp it down on the walk back to work.

at the age of 5, I told my mother in an icy tone, "I'm not saying you ruined my day, but I am saying this day ruined my life."

No, he/she is saying that if she looked like Beyonce it wouldn't be that way