
We have so much food, our daughters menstruate early.

The industrial revolution started two centuries ago, but in the US environmental regulation had been non-existent or ineffective, except for the past 30-40 years. Now, generally speaking, things are getting cleaner. The idea you're commenting on more likely that we're discovering new problems that already were

Yes but our attention spans are dwindli..................

Maybe you're just quirky?

Redacted. Someone else had the same idea, below.

You people are really behind the times with this sort of juvenile behavior.

I think it's OK to snark on your own body. Kinda like the fact that my butt's tiny compared to my 500lb frame.

Piquing Harry's interest?

I've got the thunderbolt and I love it. But I upgraded from a blackberry, so it's more that I love having an android phone. Battery life does eat corn the long way, though. I maybe get a full day's use out of it, with moderate internet/apps usage. I essentially plug the phone in overnight every night, and often

So does that mean that Jack will be resurrected? Or does that only happen when you die of dilithium radiation poisioning?

But the island moves...

Nannies are not notoriously under-paid, at least not in rich neighborhoods.

Listen, Kesh honey. That burning you feel when you pee? Not glitter.

Don't be ashamed of who you are. Many people find self-confidence to be very attractive. Height, too.

How silly. She would have been better off investing the money in treasury bills.

"It's Brussels time here" is my new excuse whenever I find myself going off on one tangent after another.

No wonder he didn't make an opening statement. He blew it on the objection.

+1, assuming you meant his logic is circular and twisted.

Otherwise only lawyers would go to jail.