
Wait, what? Isn't a petard a hand grenade? And isn't it "hoist"?

Only the sasquatch photo is real. In fact, I'm pissed because it's a picture of me, walking around like a boss.

I appreciate the help, but the problem is that there is no "start new thread" link at the top.

Thanks to the re-redesign, I no longer have a button to post comments.

She tried to sell the argyle sweater, but they said no, no, no.

Yeah, like this movie is going to require acting. The male lead is Thor, for chrissakes.

I don't think that there is any sort of meaningful across-the-board distinction between BA and BS. My college awarded BA degrees to more academic pursuits, and BS to pre-professional. For instance, Physics, Math, Bio etc. majors were awarded BA degrees, while Studio Art majors received BS degrees.

So let's clarify. You are suggesting that, through gravity, gay marriage has traveled south from Massachusetts and spread into New York—-through Long Island—-despite having skipped over Rhode Island and Connecticut.

Is that also why the toilets flow in the other direction?

I didn't realize it was 60 days. I thought it was much, much shorter than that, like 72 hours.

You mean, to the east of NY? You do realize that the only part of NY that's south of you is Long Island. Right?

It's the heart button on the right.

Not quite a dick move considering that some people probably planned their heterosexual weddings a year ago and may have gotten crowded out of getting a license because of the new demand for licenses.

Here's my original comment, in GIF form.

...nor am I a good speller. (The keyboard is too small for my Gorilla fingers.)

I'm no Engilish professor, but I would suggest adding a comma after "any longer."


Or perhaps your problem is that it took you five years to finish high school.

Weird. I don't think they look alike. Morrison's cheekbones are higher and eyes are more deep-set and closer together. Eyebrows are more arched, too.

I'm also easily distr—-LOOK! A SQUIRREL!