This business used to be run by the Mafia. Who is running it now might be worse.
This business used to be run by the Mafia. Who is running it now might be worse.
A “not guilty” verdict on all charges normally ends a criminal case—the prosecution cannot appeal an acquittal.
The US attorney is being urged to investigate the KCPD. Looks like a good use of their time.
A huge problem. According to CTE researchers, the disease presents itself in four different stages. Stage one includes headaches, loss of concentration and attention. Those with stage two experience changes in mood, memory loss and impulsivity. Stage three contains a combination of the previous symptoms, while stage…
If Mrs. Jackson has an immunosuppressing medical treatment (such as chemotherapy) she should not get the vaccine. So lets reserve judgment.
So great to see that big smile on her face!
He has a gift, and great insight.
Worth a read, what awful POS.
Not everyone can afford tickets to Six Flags.
Self-administered haircut.
Good resource for travelers:
David Maas (police) kicked and struck Isaiah Forman (driving while black) in April 2019 while the man was compliant and not posing a physical threat to anyone, causing ‘bodily injury’ and depriving him of his right to be ‘free from unreasonable force’. Forman filed a civil lawsuit against Maas. His lawyer, doing the…
The FBI murdered Fred Hampton. In cold blood.
The victim security guard was also black. Hopefully his family will see some justice.
True story: Pence calls his wife “mother.” As in “mother could you bring me a cup of coffee?”
China cold care less about human life.
Great job Cody Byrd.
This is the Notre Dame story, which is quite horrible:
“As I grow older, I realize that I was not gifted, talented or even diligent.”
Two, fortunately the third one survived.