George Smiley

you sir are a dumb ass. also +1 for the artist on Hapan Battle Dragons

So Kotaku writers are a bunch of freaking casuals, except Hamilton. Should have known.

yeah dude, didn’t you read the Han Solo Trilogy? Bria Tharen and her team stole the plans

almost spit out my lunch

Feel the same way about Tuesday. ubisoft breakfast, zynga meeting, ea, atvi, and ttwo meetings back to back, then microsoft, wedbush party, then ea dinner. rsvp’ed for the ubisoft party but no way I make it

is 270.9 million of software also in units (i.e. copies) ?

F12TDF, FFFFFFFFF, you muppet

I came in to say good riddance and fuck the hipsters.

Perhaps they want to keep the plot under wraps and wanted viewers to get a feel for the action. I asked a genuine question but made the mistake of thinking you may be an expert and provide more details on your initial statement.

are people actually going to buy this game?

is 20 fade/cuts indicative of the quality of the movie? i am genuinely interested

Looks like a standard DLC. 4 maps and new weapons. Isn’t that pretty much on par with Call of Duty map packs of the old? Why are so many people upset?

I actually tried Virtuix’s Omni pro. It was pretty neat. You can’t really jump or crouch but I feel like that combined with Valve VR would be perfect for Skyrim.

HTC Vive/Valve VR would be perfect for that. It already comes with 2 control sticks for duel wielding Dragonbone swords

Saw Dennis Durkin today. Barely talked about Destiny. I was tempted to ask just how satisfied they are with Bungie but felt maybe that question was too aggressive.

ATVI makes 125-135mm per quarter from CoD supply drops. And that is all vanity items that doesn’t even impact game play.

I asked the CFO if i could get an advanced copy, he said if i bought 1mm ubi shares

So happy to see this. Any thoughts on how well the game will perform financially?

This is why I remain dubious of E-sports taking off. How do you even commentate on a game like this without sounding like a pimple-faced douche.

Can you dial into the call? Say you are Luke Smith from Deej Capital. Then ask them what they think of this POS.